While many shiver with boats on the hard, Steve Hodges sends this tempting image their I36 FROLIC leaving Turtle Bay at the start of the 2nd leg of the 2006 Baja HaHa (photo by Joel Krauska). "We (double handed with wife Susan) had a great time and did well in the burrito division. We flew the chute for up to 20 hr at a time, mostly under control. We did have at least one round up and are currently looking for a replacement 3/4 turtle....
There were two other I36 in this year's Baja HaHa: Noble Brown's MAI PEN RAI and PHILEAS FOGG skippered by Pierre-Alain Segurel. Unfortunately PHILEAS FOGG has been badly damaged according to an item in the 11 Dec issue of 'lectronic latitude (http://www.latitude38.com/LectronicLat/2006/1206/Dec11/Dec11.html#anchor322324)."
Frolic and MaiPen Rai
and Philias Fogg