Engine Exhaust
Philippe, (masiee@worldnet.att.net)
I believe I had the same "iron box" wet muffler system on my Pathfinder that you describe. It mounted on top of the Hurth transmission. See bottom of three pictures shown below.
It finally rusted through and I could no longer epoxy it. I had a new stainless steel pipe constructed using same bolt-on flange to heat exchanger. See first and second photos.
Pipe is asbestos wrapped and inverted U shape. Stainless steel bracket from transmission secures it. Stainless steel fabrication above hose clamps is water mixing chamber with blue hose exhaust water injected into chamber. I specified two inch exhaust to ensure minimal back pressure and provide margin should I have to repower.
Black exhaust hose goes to wet exhaust on platform I built above shaft. It holds Vernalift (#150026), side in, top out wet exhaust. Again, largest that would fit. I replaced thru hull to handle two inch. I'm very happy with system.
Only suggestion: I would reroute exhaust higher on quarter or relocate to transom. The exhaust is often below water level when under higher RPM. Don't think this is good - again back pressure. However, I probably will never change it.
I've suspended Superstor 6 gallon water heater above Vernalift. Just fits.
Just got back from three days at Catalina Island. Smooth seas and great long weekend. I noted max RPM at 3800, 215 degrees exhaust temp, 7.5 kts on a 13R10 3 bladed prop. Normal cruising speed is around 6.5 kts at 3200 RPM. It was a fantastic weekend at the Island - we anchored at Emerald Cove - no other boats all weekend.
Let me know if I can be of any other assistance - hope the pictures attach ok and you can receive them.
Ken Kropf, "Svanen" 1981 #620
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