Five hundred glorious years of history under sail paraded through the Golden Gate in the 2008 Festival of Sail on July 23rd. Thousands of people lined the shore as 40 boats streamed from the Golden Gate to the Bay Bridge along San Francisco's fabled waterfront. Even the weather cooperated - no fog and only a modest sea breeze made for a perfect day.
From the Nina, a replica of Columbus' ship, through the square rigged replica of HMS Bounty and the US Coast Guard's magnificant barque Eagle, to the World War II Liberty Ship Jeremiah O'Brien and giant container ships and tankers outside the parade, there was something for everyone.
There pictures were taken from the 151' brigantine Kaisei. She is operated by Ocean Voyages Institute of Sausalito, a non-profit organization founded in 1979 by a group of international sailors, educators, and conservationists with a mission of teaching the maritime arts and sciences, and researching and preserving the world's oceans. Ocean Voyages is led by Mary Crowley, and provides unique opportunities for getting aboard vessels around the globe.
The 2008 Festival of Sail on San Francisco Bay, from July 23rd to 27th, 2008 is one of those special opportunities to climb aboard ships from the past. Ships of wood and steel, where miles of lines terminate on fife rails with belaying pins, and much of the work is done with "Norwegian Steam" - human muscle - are a reminder of how those who crossed oceans and spread cultures around the world did it all.
If you get a chance to go to one of these, just do it. These pictures offer a little taste of the adventure. And, as the simplest of examples, here are two short clips of hoisting the main, and four jibs at one time. Enjoy.