Friday Fun 6/7/24

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Way back in 2012 the Islander Fleet had a cruise into Emery Covy sponsored by Pat and Gary Salvo. (Here's a link to our story on the web site: Emery Cove Cruise, Memorial Day 2012. Well Robert DaPrato decided to do it again on Friday night, 6/7/24.

Robert hosted Ruby and Rob (White Horses aka Always High), John and Nanci (Freedom Won) and Myphi and me (Luna Sea) aboard Bella Luna. The only thing missing was Maria, Robert's better half.

Bella Luna is in great shape and Robert has done a lot of work to keep her in Bristal condition. As is the case nowadays, no one sailed over, and we all came by car. But it was a spur of the moment type of thing so I will give everyone a pass on that. Actually Myphi didn't come by car as she works at Emery Cove on Fridays so she was already there!

Anyway, after clearing out Bella Luna's wine stores, we did the responsible thing and headed over to Trader Vic's to try to duplicate the experience of the last time we were there. John was going to drive over so we gave John and Nanci a bit of a head start. The goal was to get some cocktails with flowers just like Pat had done so many years ago. Happy to report we did just that! The very friendly staff at Trader Vic's got us a nice table with a view and as nobody seemed to know what they wanted to eat we just ordered all the appetizers on the menu to start! That worked out rather well and when we finished those we just ordered another round of the same thing! Myphi and I got the biggest drink with a lot of orchids and some very long straws (it came in a large bowl) - just like the pictire below from 2012! Rob got something very green with whipped cream and a flower on the top. John, I think, just ordered multiple cocktails made with a bottle of French vodka and figured that was close enough to French Polynesia. Although I don't think he got any flowers. Nanci was her usual wonderful self and, well, Ruby is Ruby. Always the A lister.

Happy to report a good time was had by all. Many thanks to Robert DaPrato for hosting such a wonderful event.

Happy Sailing!
Luna Sea, #420

Click pics to enlarge.

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Aboard Bella Luna
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At Trader Vic's
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2012 Punch Bowl

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