Welcome to the
Islander 36 Association
Celebrating our 51st year in 2025!
Picture of the Month
Spring Meeting
Association Information> Schedules, Racing & Goodies Pictures & Completed Events
- The Association
- 2025 Officers
- Newsletter
- New Member Application
- Member Info Update
- I-36 Burgees, Logos & Clothing
- Buy /Sell Listing
- Constitution & Bylaws
- Awards and Trophies
- I-36 Sailing Qualities
- I-36 Fleetbuilding Honored
- Islander Yachts History
- Islander Blueprint Files
- Old Sales Brochures
- Get an Islander Half Hull
I-36 Next Events:
Big Daddy Sunday Persuit Race 3/9/25
Richmond Yacht Club is pleased to host the Big Daddy Regatta! The Pursuit race is on Sunday, but don't miss the Saturday party! So, join us for the fun and sailing challenge but please car pool! We will have limited parking. You must register at https://www.regattanetwork.com/event/29328
Spring MeetingSpring Meeting at Encinal 3/1/25
Periods of sun, then cloudy and 15 - 20 knot windy, but that did not deter our fearless and faithful Islander 36 Association members from our Spring Meeting at Encinal Yacht Club. We had 28 people representing 11 boats that gathered for the fun and to hear Jesse Johnson and Sara Rutman's presentation on the USCG cutter Munro. Spring Meeting at Encinal 3/1/25
3 Bridge Fiasco3 Bridge Fiasco 1/25/25
We had four Islanders enter the 3 Bridge Fiasco this year: Cassiopeia, Kapai, Luna Sea and WindCatcher. They wound up among the 285 boats in the 330 boat fleet that were abandoned by the wind gods and did not finish. Here's your link to three of their stories: 3 Bridge Fiasco.
Round AlamedaHappy New Year 1/1/25 'Round Alameda
Partly cloudy and cool, but calm winds ushered in 2025 for your Islander 36 Association fleet. 23 Folks aboard 5 Islanders representing 8 Islanders in total enjoyed a smooth ride past the three bridges and floated effertlessly into Aeolian Yacht Club at 1100 hours on a tide rising toward 7'. Delicious chili, plain and jalapeno cornbread, and plenty of toppings washed down with Gin Fizzes and Bloody Mary's made for a delicious lunch. Most departed at 1215 at peak high tide to venture west through the Bay Farm Bridge to tread the thin water along the San leandro Channel to reach the deeper water of South San Francisco Bay to complete a circumnavigation. Also spotted by Vanishing Animal was I-36 sail #20 heading west at 0914 leaving the Estuary, and spotted again returning from Sam's restaurant in Tiburon by Luna Sea around 1430. 'Round Alameda 2025..
Fall FunFall 2024 Newsletter
You will really enjoy our newsletter Editor's article about Jubilee Getting New Hardware. When you first start to read it you'll probably looking for winches, blocks and similar, but it's not about that. It's about why we sail our Islander 36s - don't skip that one! Similarly, Blondie going beyond the gate is yet another example of the joys of the I-36 life. Enjoy these and the rest of yet another wonderful Newsletter. Fall 2024 Newsletter (5 MB).
Fall MeetingFall Meeting at CPYC 11/16/24
A beautiful, blue-sky sunny Saturday was the perfect setting for our 2024 Fall Meeting and Winners Celebration lunch at Coyote Point Yacht Club. Seventeen Islander 36s were represented by 28 people and enjoyed a great buffet lunch, an informative talk by Fleet Measurer Kit Wiegman (Cassiopeia) and a wonderful surprise visit from 91 year old founding member Lou Zevanov. Lou gave an impromptu talk on the earliest days of the Association and how, at one point, there were about 150 Islander 36s in the greater Bay Area. And to top it off, we've got a 1 hour and 11 minute cellphone video of both their talks, the business part of the meeting, and the annual awards presentation. Fall Meeting
Remember Our Maintenance Section:
Though it's right there in the middle of our Menu, don't overlook our Maintenance section with over 70 links to ideas and fixes. Maintenance Section.
Changing email address? Moving? Other member information changing? Use the Member Info Update form to speed the changes directly to our Treasurer, Membership Chairman, Newsletter Editor and List Administrator. Thanks! When you see another Islander around your marina or cruising waters, point them to our home page, and the convenient New Member Application form.
In addition to the wealth of information on our Maintenance and Clothing menus above, visit our Archived pages for lots of memories, cruise stories and other great Islander moments.
Archives & Pics for: 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 |
2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 |
2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 |
1999 | 1998 |
Last Updated 3/2/25
Please send comments and suggestions to:
Commodore Rick Egan.
Copyright © 1997 - 2025 Islander 36 Association
All rights reserved. For permission to use any information on this web site, contact the Commodore above.
Here is a link to a frequent electronic sailing newsletter with all of the latest on global sailing and racing events: http://www.sailingscuttlebutt.com/ If you like it, you can subscribe to get your own free copy as an email when it comes out. Just follow the links on their web page.
2024 I-36 Archived Pages
2023 I-36 Archived Pages
2022 I-36 Archived Pages Go To Main Menu
2021 I-36 Archived Pages Go To Main Menu
2020 I-36 Archived Pages Go To Main Menu
Islander Pictures & Stories
- October 16-18: China Camp/Mcnears Beach Anchor Out (No Pictures)
- Nationals Regatta 10/3/20.
- September 19th Coyote Point Rally Cancelled - COVID-19.
- Labor Day Rally 9/5/20.
- August 1-11: Delta Cruise
Cancelled - COVID-19.
- July 18: Plastic Classic Race Cancelled - COVID-19.
- Summer Sailstice Rally 6/20/20.
- July 3-5: July 4th Benicia and Ruby Party - Cancelled - COVID-19.
- June 29: Pacific Cup Start & I-36 support Escort - Cancelled - COVID-19.
- June 19-21: Jack London Square - I-36 PacCup Racers Dinner Cancelled - COVID-19.
- May 22-25: Napa Valley YC Cruise - Memorial Day Cancelled - COVID-19.
- May 2-3: Treasure Island YC Cruise - Cinco de Mayo Party Cancelled - COVID-19.
- April 17-19: Boat Show Marina Bay - Cancelled - COVID-19.
- March 21: Rites of Spring Race - Cancelled - COVID-19.
- Spring Meeting 3/14 - Cancelled by COVID-19
- Islander 36 - Living the Life at 50.
- Three Bridge Fiasco 1/25/20.
- I-36 Survey.
- 'Round Alameda 1/1/20.
2019 I-36 Archived Pages Go To Main Menu
2018 I-36 Archived Pages Go To Main Menu
2017 I-36 Archived Pages Go To Main Menu
2016 I-36 Archived Pages
2015 I-36 Archived Pages
2014 I-36 Archived Pages
2013 I-36 Archived Pages
2012 I-36 Archived Pages
2011 I-36 Archived Pages Go To Main Menu
2010 I-36 Archived Pages
2009 I-36 Archived Pages
2008 I-36 Archived Pages
2007 I-36 Archived Pages
2006 I-36 Archived Pages
2005 I-36 Archived Pages
2004 I-36 Archived Pages
2003 I-36 Archived Pages
2002 I-36 Archived Pages Go To Main Menu
2001 I-36 Archived Pages
2000 I-36 Archived Pages
1999 I-36 Archived Pages Go To Main Menu
1998 I-36 Archived Pages Go To Main Menu
Here's How to send your boat's picture:
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We would like pictures under full sail, that are clear and crisp, and most often show the whole boat, but, hey, if you like the picture, the rest of our members probably will too. They don't have to be any special size or type.
They can be attached to an e-mail. Just highlight and copy the block of text below, click "Send Email to I-36 Webmaster", paste the text into the message area, fill in your data, then attach your picture file and send it!
Boat Name:
Home Port:
Sailing Waters:
Send Email to I-36 Webmaster
You can also snail mail them to:
Rick Van Mell, I-36 Webmaster
1629 Begen Avenue
Mountain View, CA 94040