Islander 36 Association
Awards and Trophies
The governing board has gotten together all of our "Deeds
of Trust" and thought that you would like to know about each one.
The association awards trophies at its Fall Meeting each November
and, at that time, also updates the Commodores' Plaque.
The Dr. Charles Ormand Cup:
This silver cup is approximately 42" high and
16" in diameter mounted on a mahogany base. The base has individual
brass plates with each year's winner and the boat name. This trophy is
given for the winner of the spinnaker division at the finish of the racing
season. The deed of trust gives the history of how the San Francisco Bay
Islander 36 Association came into possession of this most impressive cup.
"This silver plated cup was donated to the
Islander 36 Association, Fleet One, San Francisco Bay by Dr. Charles Ormand
of Alameda, California. As is the case with most trophies, its value is
inherently as a recognition of contests won by those to whom it has been
awarded. However, the history of this cup adds to its value. It was originally
awarded to the winner of a contest sponsored by Alfred E. Smith, the unsuccessful
candidate for the Presidency of the United States in 1928. He was nominated
as a candidate by the late Franklin Delano Roosevelt. The cup followed
a round about route to the Metropolitan Yacht Club, Oakland, California,
and then, through the good offices of Dr. Ormand, to the Islander 36 class
for use as the class perpetual trophy to be awarded annually at the Islander
36 fall meeting for the Islander 36 Class Championship Spinnaker Division conducted
by The One Design Class Association under the aegis of The Yacht Racing
Association of San Francisco Bay."

Ormand Cup
(Click to enlarge)
Ormand Cup Winners
1983 | Williwa | Rich Fordiani |
1984 | Absolute | Russ Schneider |
1985 | Prima Donna | Eric Warner |
1986 | Prima Donna | Eric Warner |
1987 | Prima Donna | Eric Warner |
1988 | Prima Donna | Eric Warner |
1989 | Prima Donna | Eric Warner |
1990 | Wild Onion | Allan Schuman |
1991 | Windwalker | Schoenhair/Gilliom |
1992 | Windwalker | Schoenhair/Gilliom |
1993 | Windwalker | Schoenhair/Gilliom |
1994 | Windwalker | Schoenhair/Gilliom |
1995 | Moonshadow | Mark Dowdy |
1996 | Windwalker | Schoenhair/Gilliom |
1997 | Absolute | Steve Schneider |
1998 | Absolute | Steve Schneider |
1999 | Absolute | Steve Schneider |
2000 | Blue Streak | Don Schumacher |
2001 | Blue Streak | Don Schumacher |
2002 | (Not Awarded - Non-Spinnnaker only year) | |
2003 | (Not Awarded - Non-Spinnnaker only year) | |
2004 | (Not Awarded - Non-Spinnnaker only year) | |
2005 | (Not Awarded - Non-Spinnnaker only year) | |
2006 | (Not Awarded - Non-Spinnnaker only year) | |
2007 | (Not Awarded - Non-Spinnnaker only year) | |
2008 | (Not Awarded - Non-Spinnnaker only year) | |
2009 | (Not Awarded - Non-Spinnnaker only year) | |
2010 | (Not Awarded - Non-Spinnnaker only year) | |
2011 | (Not Awarded - Non-Spinnnaker only year) | |
2012 | Windwalker (Party Circuit, Spinnnaker Div) | Rich Shoenhair |
2013 | (Not Awarded - Non-Spinnnaker only year) | |
2014 | (Not Awarded - Non-Spinnnaker only year) | |
2015 | (Not Awarded - Non-Spinnnaker only year) | |
2016 | (Not Awarded - Non-Spinnnaker only year) | |
2018 | Serenity | Eric Mueller |
2019 | Renassiance of Tahoe Vista | Steve Douglass |
2020 | (Not Awarded - COVID-19 Cancelled Season) | |
2021 | (Not Awarded - COVID-19 Cancelled Season) | |
2022 | (Not Awarded - No Participation) | |
2023 | Windwalker | Rick & Tom Shoenhair |
2024 | Luna Sea | Dan Knox |
Buster Hammond Islander 36 Half
Hull Trophy:
Buster Hammond, last president of the Islander Yacht Corporation gave this
half hull model to the Association in recognition of the continued one
design racing and cruising activities in approximately 1978. Buster Hammond
was president of the Islander Yacht Corporation from approximately 1970,
through the heydays of the 70’s.
"This half hull model of the Islander 36
sloop was donated to the Islander 36 Association, Fleet One, San Francisco
Bay by Buster Hammond, president, Islander Yacht Corporation. This trophy
is a perpetual trophy to be awarded annually at the Islander 36 fall meeting for the
Islander 36 Championship Non-spinnaker Division conducted by The One Design
Class Association under the aegis of the Yacht Racing Association of San
Francisco Bay."

Buster Hammond Trophy
(Click to enlarge)
If you would like your own half-hull model, check out the Gadgets page under Zenith's Model.
Hammond Trophy Winners
1973 | Diana | Lou Zevanove |
1974 | Mucho | Jim Graham |
1975 | Diana | Lou Zevanove |
1976 | Absolute | Russ Schneider |
1977 | Absolute | Russ Schneider |
1978 | Absolute | Darrell Snell |
1979 | Midnight Sun | Bill Butler |
1980 | Absolute | Darrell Snell |
1981 | Chimo | Chuck Winton |
1982 | Williwa | Rich Fordiani |
1983 | Midnight Sun | Peter Szasz |
1984 | Prima Donna | Eric Warner |
1985 | Prima Donna | Eric Warner |
1986 | Juggernaut | Frank Tonsick |
1987 | Grumpy Dog | Cyndy Hassenbruck |
1988 | Prima Donna | Eric Warner |
1989 | Prima Donna | Eric Warner |
1990 | Windwalker | Shoenhair/Gilliom |
1991 | | |
1992 | | |
1993 | | |
1994 | Pilot | Jim Robinson |
1995 | Pilot | Jim Robinson |
1996 | Pilot | Jim Robinson |
1997 | Pilot | Jim Robinson |
1998 | Pilot | Jim Robinson |
1999 | Pilot | Jim Robinson |
2000 | Pilot | Jim Robinson |
2001 | Zoop | Paul Tara |
2002 | Zoop | Paul Tara |
2003 | Pilot | Jim Robinson |
2004 | Midnight Sun | Peter Szasz |
2005 | Midnight Sun | Peter Szasz |
2006 | Tom Cat | Barry Stompe & Sylvia Stewart |
2007 | Windwalker | Rich Shoenhair |
2008 | Captain Hooke | Tom & David Newton |
2009 | Captain Hooke | Tom & David Newton |
2010 | Windwalker | Rich Shoenhair |
2011 | Windwalker | Rich Shoenhair |
2012 | Windwalker | Rich Shoenhair |
2013 | Windwalker | Rich Shoenhair |
2014 | Califia | Tim Bussiek |
2015 | Windwalker | Rich & Tom Shoenhair |
2016 | Windwalker | Rich & Tom Shoenhair |
2017 | Zingara | Jocelyn & Steve Swanson |
2018 | Zingara | Jocelyn & Steve Swanson |
2019 | Serenity | Eric Muller |
2020 | (Not Awarded | COVID-19 Cancelled Season) | |
2021 | (Not Awarded | COVID-19 Cancelled Season) | |
2022 | (Not Awarded | No participation) | |
2023 | Kapai | Rick Egan |
2024 | Kapai | Rick Egan |
Chuck Winton Nationals Trophy:
Chuck Winton raced his I-36 Chimo and on other ODCA classes in the 1970-80s, and was a past Commodore of the San Francisco Yacht club. He passed away in 2002. Chimo was a picture perfect model of the Islander 36 with a skipper and a crew that always showed the way. His wife, Marie Winton, contacted Don Schumacher in the fall of 2002, offering to donate two models of the Islander 36 to the Association.
One of those models is a half hull model measuing approximately 12" x 24", complete with a spinnaker and spars, all in color. This model has been acceped by the Board as a perpetual trophy to be awarded to the overall winner of the I-36 Nationals Regatta, first held in October 2003 and run by the San Francisco Yacht Club as part of their fall One-Design Regatta.

Winton Nationals Trophy
(Click to enlarge)
Winton Nationals Trophy Winners
2003 | Pilot | Jim Robinson |
2004 | Midnight Sun | Peter Szasz |
2005 | Diana | Lou & Steve Zevanov |
2006 | Absolute | Steve Schneider |
2007 | Cassiopeia | Kit Wiegman |
2008 | Cassiopeia | Kit Wiegman |
2009 | Captain Hooke | Tom & David Newton |
2010 | Windwalker | Rich Shoenhair |
2011 | Cassiopeia | Kit Wiegman |
2012 | Cassiopeia | Kit Wiegman |
2013 | Windwalker | Rich Shoenhair |
2014 | Cassiopeia | Kit Wiegman |
2015 | Cassiopeia | Kit Wiegman |
2016 | Zenith | Bill & Susan Nork |
2017 | Cassiopeia | Kit Wiegman |
2018 | Highlighter | Bill Hackel |
2019 | Highlighter | Bill Hackel |
2020 | Highlighter | Bill Hackel |
2021 | Windwalker | Rich & Tom Shoenhair |
2022 | Windwalker | Rich & Tom Shoenhair |
2023 | Cassiopeia | Kit Wiegman |
2024 | Cassiopeia | Kit Wiegman |
I-36 Perpetual Crew Trophy:
As we all know, crew members enable a skipper to race the boat. They can help improve performance and are critical to winning races. We have all seen many examples of outstanding crew members. They have sailed for a considerable length of time on one or more boats. They are dependable, they continue to learn sailing skills, they support fleet activities, they have a strong sense of fair play and a sense of humor, and they evolve to help the skippers and crews on other boats enjoy a safer, more skilled and more successful sailing experience.
Peter Szasz observed that he has been fortunate to have several such crew members over the years, including those aboard his Islander 36 Midnight Sun. Peter felt that it is important to recognize these individuals - first because they deserve the recognition for their individual contributions, and second because it shows that crew development and recognition are important to the Islander Fleet.
In November 2004, the Szasz Family and the crew of Midnight Sun donated an 11" x 17" plaque with a mounted Barient Winch handle as the I-36 Perpetual Crew Trophy, to be awarded annually at the Fall Meeting of the Association to a Crew Member of an I-36 Yacht that has qualified and competed for the Season's Championship or the National Championship of that year. The recipient shall represent dedication, performance and team spirit in the best Corinthian tradition.
Selection of the recipient will be by the Governing Board of the Association and and shall be based on nominations from the fleet. The Governing Board shall have the power to amend this Deed of Gift as it sees fit. (link to original Deed of Gift.

I-36 Perpetual Crew Trophy
(Click to enlarge)
I-36 Perpetual Crew Trophy Winners
2004 | Martha Robinson | Pilot |
2005 | Dennis & Matt Bush | Sailed on Zenith |
2006 | Michele Williams | Pacific High |
2007 | Debbie Fehr | Pacific High |
2008 | Marcelo Segura | Tenacious |
2009 | Beau Woodward | Captain Hooke |
2010 | Tom Allegretti | Orion |
2011 | Philippe Lamy | Windwalker |
2012 | (Not Awarded) | |
2013 | Lorraine Weiss | Califia |
2014 | Mara Gutman | Cassiopeia |
2015 | Daniel Margulies | Orion |
2016 | Roger Anderson | Serenity |
2017 | John Baum | Cassiopeia |
2018 | Dan Primus | Cassiopeia |
2019 | Greg Anderson | Serenity |
2020 | (Not Awarded | COVID-19 Cancelled Season) | |
2021 | (Not Awarded | COVID-19 Cancelled Season) | |
2022 | (Not Awarded | No participation) | |
2023 | Eric Korbas | Cassiopeia) | |
2024 | Justin Hughes | Luna Sea) | |
Islander 36 Hawaii Trophy
Established in 2022, this clock and barometer were donated by past Newsletter Editor Phillip Seamans and recognizes our member Islander 36s who start and finish a race to Hawaii. That would include the Pacific Cup, the Singlehanded Sailing Society single and double-handed races, and the Victoria - Maui race. (Islander 36s are deemed "too slow" to enter the Transpac race from Los Angeles.) The inscription includes the Year, Race Name, Boat Name, and finish if 1st, 2nd or 3rd in section.

Islander 36 Hawaii Trophy
(Click to enlarge)
Islander 36 Hawaii Trophy Winners
Chuck Winton Annual Cruising Award
As noted above for the Winton Nationals Trophy, Chuck Winton raced his I-36 Chimo and on other ODCA classes in the 1970-80s, and was a past Commodore of the San Francisco Yacht club. He passed away in 2002. Chimo was a picture perfect model of the Islander 36 with a skipper and a crew that always showed the way. His wife, Marie Winton, contacted Don Schumacher in the fall of 2002, offering to donate two models of the Islander 36 to the Association.
One of those models is a wire model of an Islander 36, complete with a spinnaker flying. This model has been acceped by the Board as a perpetual trophy to be the Annual Cruising Award for contributions to the Cruising Program, as determined by the Cruising Captain with concurrance of the Board.

Winton Cruising Award
(Click to enlarge)
Winton Cruising Award Winners
2003 | Solace | Jim (Smokey) & Laurie Stover |
2004 | Blockbuster | Bill Higdon |
2005 | Natural High | Dennis & Judy Bush |
2006 | Woodbine | Ron & Karen Damsen |
2007 | Ophira | Gary & Pat Salvo |
2008 | Snowflower | Skipper & Nancy Wall |
2009 | Vanishing Animal | Rick & Sandy Van Mell |
2010 | Pacific High | Carol Williams |
2011 | Luna Sea | Dan Knox |
2012 | Tacoma Blue | Rich & Takae Waters |
2013 | Freedom Won | John & Nanci Melton |
2014 | Ophira | Gary & Pat Salvo |
2015 | Evanescence | Jim (Smokey) & Laurie Stover |
2016 | White Horses | Ruby & Rob Blenderman |
2017 | Freedom Won | John & Nanci Melton |
2018 | Zingara | Jocelyn & Steve Swanson |
2019 | Green Flash | Liz Munnelly & Mike Patterson |
2020 | (Not Awarded | COVID-19 Cancelled Season) | |
2021 | (Not Awarded | COVID-19 Cancelled Season) | |
2022 | (Not Awarded | No participation) | |
2023 | (Not Awarded | No participation) | |
2024 | Wind Catcher | Dan Throop) | |
Bill Higdon Racing/Crusing Award
In 2003 an informal Racing/Cruising award was presented by the Cruise Chairman to Harry Farrell of Pacific High, and Charles & Kathryn Hodgkins of Mischief for participating in both the racing and cruising events for the full year. The award was again presented in 2004, 2005 and 2006, as noted below. In 2007 this award was formalized by the Board and accepted as the Bill Higdon Racing/Cruising Award in recognition of Bill's contributions to the Islander fleet over the years and his participation in both racing and cruising. Bill was 87 years young in the 2007 picture below, but we lost him in 2009. His skill and spirt will long be remembered by those who had the pleasure of knowing him.

Bill Higdon Racing/Cruising Award
Bill presents to the 2007 winners
(Click to enlarge)
Bill Higdon Racing/Cruising Award Winners
2003 | Pacific High | Harry Farrell, and |
2003 | Mischief | Charles Hodgkins |
2004 | Pacific High | Harry Farrell, and |
2004 | Freedon Won | John Melton, and |
2004 | Zenith | Art Fowler |
2005 | Zenith | Art Fowler, and |
2005 | Freedon Won | John Melton, and |
2005 | Diana | Lou Zevanov |
2006 | Freedon Won | John Melton |
2007 | Freedon Won | John Melton, and |
2007 | Luna Sea | Dan Knox |
2008 | (No qualifiers) | |
2009 | (No qualifiers) | |
2010 | Luna Sea | Dan Knox, and |
2010 | Pacific High | Harry Farrell |
2011 | (No qualifiers) | |
2012 | (No qualifiers) | |
2013 | (No qualifiers) | |
2014 | (No qualifiers) | |
2015 | (No qualifiers) | |
2016 | (No qualifiers) | |
2017 | (No qualifiers) | |
2018 | Zingara | Jocelyn & Steve Swanson |
2019 | (No qualifiers) | |
2020 | (No qualifiers) | |
2021 | (No qualifiers) | |
2022 | (No qualifiers) | |
2023 | (No qualifiers) | |
2024 | (No qualifiers) | |
John R.(Russ) Schneider
Originally this cup was given to the winner of the All Islander Weekend
Regatta which saw its last weekend in 1992 or so. This All Islander Weekend
was sponsored by the Tiburon Yacht Club. This special weekend was where
several of the Islander classes raced together. After the day's racing a
big barbeque was held on the club’s large patio. Unfortunately, the original
cup has been lost in the intervening years and can not be located. After
a diligent search of the various yacht clubs and a letter writing campaign
to those who logically might have won the cup, however, the Schneider family
and our association have now provided a new champagne bucket with a new
purpose. It is now awarded by the Commodore to a deserving individual within
the Association.
"This silver plated champagne bucket was
donated to the Islander 36 Association, Fleet One, San Francisco Bay, by
John R. (Russ) Schneider, a past winner of several Islander 36 championships.
This champagne bucket is awarded by the Commodore with the advice of the
board of directors, in recognition to one or more individuals for their
continued dedication and generous support of our Islander 36 Association.
This champagne bucket is to be a perpetual trophy, to be awarded annually
at the Islander 36 Association fall meeting."

Schneider Trophy
(Click to enlarge)
Schneider Trophy Winners
1996 | Bruce Block & Don Schumacher |
1997 | Skipper Wall |
1998 | Harry Farrell |
1999 | Gary Salvo |
2000 | Roger Milligan & Larry Terzian |
2001 | Rick Van Mell |
2002 | Barbara Henderson |
2003 | Mike & Daphne Dickson |
2004 | Skipper Wall |
2005 | Laurie Stover |
2006 | Art Fowler |
2007 | Dan Knox |
2008 | Tim & Rhonda Shea |
2009 | Dan Knox |
2010 | Kathryn Munn |
2011 | Rick Van Mell |
2012 | Pat Salvo |
2013 | Lou Zevanov |
2014 | Kit Wiegman |
2015 | John Melton |
2016 | Gary Salvo |
2017 | Susan & Bill Nork |
2018 | Dennis & Judy Bush |
2019 | Phillip Seaman |
2020 | Roy Samuelson |
2021 | Bob DaPrato |
2022 | Jocelyn Swanson |
2023 | Rick Van Mell |
2024 | Dan Knox |
Commodores' Plaque:
This plaque lists all of the Association's past Commodores, the years each
served and their boat's name. It dates from the founding of the Association in 1974, and the association has been active on San Francisco Bay ever since. This plaque hangs in the small main room of the San Francisco Yacht Club. This yacht club is where the majority of the "plank owners" of the association were members and you will still find many I-36s still calling this their home port. Past Commodores:

Commodores Plaque
(Click to enlarge)
1974 | Wayne Hallenbeck | Nebbia |
1975 | Lou Zevanov | Diana |
1976 | Mike Wardlow | The Perfrect 36 |
1977 | Mike Wardlow | The Perfrect 36 |
1978 | Bill Ormond | Gaelic |
1979 | Jeffery Smith | Inevitable |
1980 | W.H. Butler | Midnight Sun |
1981 | Richard Fordiani | Williwa |
1982 | Jim Edens | Alamo |
1983 | Alan Schuman | Wild Onion |
1984 | Bruce Stone | Blue Streak |
1985 | Mike Fitzgerald | Shenanigan |
1986 | John Hessenbruch | Grumpy Dog |
1987 | Dave Burton | Windwalker |
1988 | Don Schumacher | Blue Streak |
1989 | Frank Tomsick | Juggernaut |
1990 | Bruce Block | Blockbuster |
1991 | Bruce Block | Blockbuster |
1992 | Bruce Block | Blockbuster |
1993 | Greg Gilliom | Windwalker |
1994 | Art Fowler | Zenith |
1995 | Skipper Wall | Snowflower |
1996 | Skipper Wall | Snowflower |
1997 | Rick Van Mell | Vanishing Animal |
1998 | Rick Van Mell | Vanishing Animal |
1999 | Rick Van Mell | Vanishing Animal |
2000 | Rick Van Mell | Vanishing Animal |
2001 | Gary Salvo | Ophira |
2002 | Dennis Bush | Natural HIgh |
2003 | Don Henderson | Kindred Spirits |
2004 | Harry Farrell | Pacific High |
2005 | Mike Dickson | Nimbus |
2006 | Tim Shea | Lean Times |
2007 | Art Fowler | Zenith |
2008 | Ron Damsen | Woodbine |
2009 | Corky Stewart | Brigid |
2010 | Michele Williams | Pacific High |
2011 | Robert Aston | Pegasus |
2012 | John Melton | Freedom Won |
2013 | John Melton | Freedom Won |
2014 | Rick Van Mell | Vanishing Animal |
2015 | Rick Van Mell | Vanishing Animal |
2016 | Susan Nork | Zenith |
2017 | Susan Nork | Zenith |
2018 | Bob DaPrato | Bella Luna |
2019 | Eric Muller | Serenity |
2020 | Jocelyn Swanson | Zingara |
2021 | Jocelyn Swanson | Zingara |
2022 | Rick Egan | Kapai |
2023 | Rick Egan | Kapai |
2024 | Rick Egan | Kapai |