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Fall Meeting & Winners Dinner 11/12/22
(If you like, you can skip down through the prose and go straight to the pictures below!)
A cool November day with clear skies greeted your Islander fleet as we gathered at Jocelyn & Steve Swanson's community clubhouse for our annual Fall Meeting and Winners Dinner. We had 32 people representing 17 Islanders, a 55% increase in boats represented, and a 68% increase in people count. It was a great gathering and has us returning to pre-pandemic attendance levels. Our count included 2 new member boats, Richard Leijonflycht's Flying Lion and Norman Pierce's Shooter. And this was the first time that David Herring (Galatea) was attending from Minneapolis. In addition we had an additional 7 members join us on Zoom. That included Newsletter Editor David Wadson, founding member Zou Zevanov, and past Commodore Art & Betsy Fowler.
Here is the attending list:
Boat | Owner & Crew & Guests |
Barnacle | Barney Brickner |
Bella Luna | Robert DaPrato & Maria Santiago |
Cassiopeia | Kit Weigman |
ex -Shilinda | Dave and Sharon Hanna (Sick) |
Falcon | Bruce & Donna Hallberg |
Flying Lion | Richrd Leijonflycht & Kathy Hebbeler |
Full Circle | Mark & Cindy Irwin |
Galatea | David & Patty Herring |
Green Flash | Liz Munnelley & Mike Paterson |
Kapai | Rick, Kathy & Bryce Egan, Reanne Wong |
Kindred Spirits | Jim Mularkey & Vickie Nichols |
Shooter | Norman Pierce |
Solitude | Jay & Jean Lund |
Some Day | Roy & Melinda Samuelson |
Vanishing Animal | Rick & Sandy Van Mell |
White Horses | Rob Blenderman |
Windwalker | Rich & Tom Shoenhair |
Zingara | Jocelyn & Steve Swanson |
After dinner, Commodore Rick Egan rattled off a long list of boats and events that we pulled off this year, building off the leaner COVID years. And a big thank you to Jocelyn for arranging the tables and for the same catering company that has done a great job at Coyote Point YC. The catered buffet started off with a fresh salad with blue cheese, walnuts, apples, cranberries and spinach. Then came the Chicken Marsala, a vegetarian Lasagna, and mixed vegetables. It all finished up with a variety of chocolate bites for dessert. Mike Patterson teamed up with David Herring to set up a projector to show his Pacific Cup presentation, and rick Van Mell connected to Mike's cell phone hotspot to careate an internet connection for the Zoom coverage of the meeting.
Commodore Egan welcomed all the guests and introduced the Board. Then Treasurer Mike Patterson reportedwe were in good financial shape with about $12k in the bank. He laso reminded everyone that if their email address changes, they need to report that our our mailing list won't be updated. Jocelyn's Membership Report noted members from Bogota, Columbia, Tasmania, England and both coasts of Canada, with the total running bout 130 members.
Jocelyn also reminded everyone of the benefits of our membership in PICYA which gives us access to most of the yacht cubs in the Bay Area. However, many stil require advance reservations if you would like to tie u at their docks, so be sure to call ahead.
Commodore Egan then invited all of the Board members to come forward and said we had all agreed to stand for office for 2023, plus David Wadson as our News Letter editor. He also invited volunteers for Vice Commodore, Secretary, Race and Cruise Chairs. Those nominated were unanimously approved.
Commodore: Rick Egan (Kapai)
Vice Commodore
Treasurer: Mike Patterson (Green Flash)
Measurer: Kit Wiegman (Cassiopeia)
Fleet Captain
Cruise Chair
Newsletter Editors: David Wadson & Cara Croves (Jubilee
Membership Chair: Steve Swanson (Zingara)
Webmaster: Rick Van Mell (Vanishing Animal)
Staff Commodore: Jocelyn Swanson (Zingara)
The main even of the evening was David Herring's presentation of preparing for and racing Galatea in the Pacific cup. It was a fantastic story of four years of prepaaration, with much attention paid to both the physical boat and the history of wind and winning tracks to Hawaii. Then, as the slide slipped past, we agonized with the slow start to the race - at one point the routing ETA was actually August! Galatea has a watermaker and it was run to keep up a supply that would ensure they always had enough water to rech Hawaii no matter how slow they went. Kit Wiegman noted that it was exactly because they didn't have a watermaker and were concerned about water supply that they decided to turn back to San Francisco. But then the wind filled in and they enjoy an ever increasing fun rinde to the Islands. As with almost any trans-ocean race, 24 hour sailing takes its toll on equipment and there were headfoil repairs and even the replacement, and then the loss of spinnaker halyards. Two jibs wing and wing had Galatea going almost as fast as with a spinnaker as the winds headed north of 25 knots. The icing on the cake was Galatea's 3rd place finish in section - a truly fine representation of seamanship and racing skill. The whole PowerPoint presentation is just under a gigabyte in size and contained a number of videos. Alas our server didn't like the bulk and embedded videos, so they had to come out, but there are still 81 beautiful slides to tell a great story. It will take about a minute to download, but enjoy the great Galatea Slide Show
Commodore Egan then presented our awards. First was the new Hawaii Trophy donated by past Newsletter Editor Phill Seamans, for Islanders finishing in a race to Hawaii which went to David Herring and Galatea. The Nationals Trophy went to Rich & Tom Shoenhair's Windwalker. The Schneider Trophy for outstanding contributions to the Islander 36 Association went to Jocelyn Swanson for her role as Commodore, Vice Commodore and years as Membership Chair. And the Commodore's Plaque was updated with Rick Egan's name for 2022, and next fall he will be recorded as the Commodore for the 50th year of the Association!
Alas, we didn't have enough participation to arward the Spinnaker and Non-Spinnaker Season Championships, the crew award, or the Cruising Trophy. But we are hosting a 2023 Race Planning Discussion and Dinner on 12/3/22 at 1700 hours to gather input from racers about what we want to do next year to ensure a return to the water for our fleet. All I-36 Skippers and First Mates are invited to attend. Email Rick Van Mell for questions and location.
So enjoy the pictures, then make a note to check the tides and weather to join us Sunday, January 1st 2023 for the 'Round Alameda Parade. (Weather permitting.) It looks like there is a 6.1' high at 0700, declining to 1.4' at 1200 and 0.3' at 1410. Maybe we can encourage the Alameda yacht clubs to serve a Sunday morning breakfast so we can depart back to deeper water by noon.
Pictures Rick Van Mell. Click on images to enlarge, click "Back" to return.
 Agenda |
 Great table setting |
 setting up projector ... |
 for Pac Cup ... |
 and Zoom. |
 Sign-in table |
 Burgees too! |
 Wine, cheese and ... |
 nibbles. |
 Members arrive |
 Steve, Tom & Rich |
 Mark, Barney, Cindy |
 Roy |
 Bruce and Donna |
 Kapai Crew, Kathy Reanna, Bryce |
 Jocelyn & Patty |
 Jay and Jean |
 Melinda, Kit, Rich |
 Richard, Kathy & Rick E. |
 Kindred Spirits Jim & Vickie |
 Let's get ... |
 started. |
 Liz, David Jocelyn, Mike |
 Bryce, Reanna, Liz |
 Mike, Kathy, Rick E. |
 Mark & Cindy |
 Bob finds food ... |
 Chicken Marsala ... |
 vegetarian Lasagna & mixed vegetables |
 It's time for ... |
 David Herring's Pac Cup Show |
 Tech table. |
 Awards time ... |
 Hawaii Trophy ... |
 Galatea |
 Nationals Trophy ... |
 Windwalker |
 Schneider Trophy ... |
 Jocelyn |
 Ormand Cup Spinnaker Champ. |
 Hammond Trophy Non-Spin. Champ. |
 Crew Award |
 Cruising Trophy |
 Commodore's Plaque |