Spring Meeting San Francisco Yacht Club March 21, 2009 |
(If you like, you can skip down through the prose and go straight to the pictures below!)
Seventy (yes, 70) Islander folks showed up to kick off a new season, and they represented 37 different boats. Even though wind and rain finally laced the weekend, those arriving Friday had a beautiful, sunny day with summer-like bay breezes to bring them to San Francisco Yacht club. Those arriving before 1500 had winds of 12 - 17 knots through the Golden Gate, later arrivals report winds gusting up to 25 and even 30knots. Friday saw 12 arrive, including: Snowflower, Woodbine, Natural High, Ophira, Mai Pen Rai, Orion (Bay Area Disabled Sailors Association), Freedom Won, Luna Sea, Diana, Brigid, White Horses, & Vanishing Animal. To bring the total Friday count to 17, add in local SFYC boats Blue Streak, and Fast Forward, SFYC Port Captian Jay Hooker's boa, plus Pacific High that drove in, and Debra Tucker (Simple Pleasure) and Susan Warner (Lola) who flew in from San Diego.
The totals swelled on Saturday to 13 boats by sea, plus 3 dockside for 16 boats present, and 21 that drove in for a grand total of 37 boats represented by 70 people. Boats included: Wind Lock (arrived by boat), Pegasus, Zenith, Kindred Spirits, Blockbuster, Geja, Woden, Mas Tiempo, Spirit, Vitesse, Captain Hooke, Mischief, Dream Catcher, Groovy, Tacoma Blue, Cassiopeia, Diana, Gypsy, and Serenity.
Here's the full list of attendees. If you see names on pictures, check back here to put names and boats with faces.
Blockbuster |
Bill Higdon |
Jim Higdon |
Gail DiBenedetto |
Jim DiBenedetto |
Blue Streak |
Don Schumacher |
Brigid |
Corky Stewart |
Anna Stewart |
Captain Hooke |
David Newton |
Cassiopeia |
Kit Wiegman |
Diana |
Lou Zevanov |
Dream Catcher |
Vern Verling |
Cheryl Lawson |
Freedom Won |
John Melton |
Nanci Melton |
Geja |
Andrew Vik |
Groovy |
Allen Warren>
Gypsy |
Jim Callahan |
Kindred Spirits |
Don Henderson |
Lola |
Susan Warner |
Catherine Carmody |
Luna Sea |
Dan Knox |
Myphi Alloy |
Mai Pen Rai |
Noble Brown |
Barbara Brown |
Jim Perry |
Jane Perry |
Mas Tiempo |
Dave Cowell |
Mischief |
Charles Hodgkins |
Kathryn Munn Hodgkins |
Natural High |
Dennis Bush |
Judy Bush |
Ophira |
Gary Salvo |
Pat Salvo |
Orion |
Ed Gallerger |
Richard Bullock |
Ray Duran |
Gene Morris |
Tom Allegretti |
Isabel Tiff |
Pacific High |
Harry Farrell |
Carol Williams |
Michele Williams |
Pegasus |
Robert Aston |
Mary Gleim |
Serenity |
Eric Mueller |
Liz Schafer |
Roger Anderson |
Susan Anderson |
Simple Pleasure |
Debra Tucker |
Tom Farola |
Snowflower |
Skipper Wall |
Nancy Wall |
Spirit |
Bill Knopf |
Jana Knopf |
David Knopf |
Susan Knopf |
Tacoma Blue |
Rich Watters |
Vanishing Animal |
Rick Van Mell |
Sandy Van Mell |
Vitesse |
Thomas Furlong |
White Horses |
Rob Blendermann |
Ruby Wallis |
Wind Lock |
Michael Tryon |
Janice Tryon |
Woden |
Bob Knickerbocker |
Maureen Drotleff |
Woodbine |
Ron Damsen |
Karen Damsen |
Zenith |
Art Fowler |
Betsy Fowler |
Charles Hodgkins, long time I-36 member and immediate Past Commodore of Encinal Yacht Club, started Saturday morning off with a rules Clinic at 0945. The Commodore Room was packed with 30+ people as we learned about the now formalized Zone at three boat lengths, and the new definition of Mark-Room and all its implications. Another significant change is the elimination of old rule 17.2 which prevented boats from sailing below their proper course. Charles covered the less common Race Committee signals too. There were plenty of questions and diagrams with lively discussions. Well done Charles! Dan Knox had a supply of Rule Book Guides and they were gobbled up too.
Though Saturday had started out and stayed grey, then it was on to Attitude Adjustment at the Cove House. This year there was a sturdy tent over the front porch and two outdoor space heaters to drive off the chill. Good thing too, as it started raining by the time lunch was under way. The San Francisco Yacht Club staff served another excellent dinner with beef and fish choices efficiently served at each table. The hard work of Ron & Karen Damsen, plus Anna Stewart and Pat Salvo to make up name tags and place tags with food choices made registration and food service flow smoothly.
Commodore Corky Stewart breezed us through the committee reports. The Treasury is in good shape and planning for $1,000 in donations to youth groups at the clubs we visit in 2009. Membership is running only a little behind this time last year, and we have 6 new members on the books already. David Newton took us through the 2009 racing schedule and encouraged all to attend the Sail Trim Clinic on April 4th at Golden Gate. Sign up on the Events page. Michele Williams reported that nine boats are likely to race this season. Anna Stewart covered the cruise schedule and reminded us to get our ticket requests in early for the June 13th Giants - As game because tickets are limited. See the link on the Home Page. We also need Cruise Coordinators for the Labor Day cruise to Half Moon Bay.
Business accomplished, we moved on to guest speaker Andrew Vik and his wonderful slides of Geja cruising in the Med. Mix together a warm summer, beautiful coastlines and harbors, picturesque towns and fortifications, and attractive natives and you get the idea. Below are some pictures taken of Andrew's slides, plus a separate section of selected images from his web site.
By late afternoon the wind was howling with a fine rain and occasional heavier stuff. SFYC cancelled their race when winds gusted above 40 knots out on the Bay. The six Islanders on the end of the "100" dock were pinned against the dock. During a break about 1800, Windlock and Orion headed for home. Some of the remaining crowd headed for Tiburon or the SFYC dining room to find dinner. The Bushes, Stewarts, Salvos and Van Mells gathered aboard Ophira and snacked on leftovers until calling it quits about 2030. Heavy rain and the cold front swept through at midnight. Sunday morning dawned with heavy gusts from the northwest and scattered clouds. Breakfast at SFYC gave us strength to suit up and head home in winds in the 15 - 30 knot range.
All in all a great way to start the 2009 season with a BLAST! We had 37 boats represented, and if Falcon, Tenacious and Solitude had made their reservations we would have had a new record of 40 boats counted. So come join the fun for another great Islander season.
Pictures by Rick Van Mell. Click on images to enlarge, click "Back" to return.
![[Click to enlarge]](sm09-001-t.jpg) Heading north - Hunter's Point |
![[Click to enlarge]](sm09-002-t.jpg) San Francisco looms ... |
![[Click to enlarge]](sm09-003-t.jpg) in telephoto... |
![[Click to enlarge]](sm09-004-t.jpg) cruise ship in floating drydock ... |
![[Click to enlarge]](sm09-005-t.jpg) is ???????!! |
![[Click to enlarge]](sm09-006-t.jpg) Bay Bridge ahead ... |
![[Click to enlarge]](sm09-007-t.jpg) full & by ... |
![[Click to enlarge]](sm09-008-t.jpg) great flag... |
![[Click to enlarge]](sm09-009-t.jpg) going fast. |
![[Click to enlarge]](sm09-010-t.jpg) This green is for ... |
![[Click to enlarge]](sm09-011-t.jpg) big boats like ... |
![[Click to enlarge]](sm09-012-t.jpg) her. |
![[Click to enlarge]](sm09-013-t.jpg) Breeze from the Gate ... |
![[Click to enlarge]](sm09-014-t.jpg) at Alcatraz ... |
![[Click to enlarge]](sm09-015-t.jpg) destination ahead ... |
![[Click to enlarge]](sm09-016-t.jpg) spray to leeward. |
![[Click to enlarge]](sm09-017-t.jpg) Still lookin' good. |
![[Click to enlarge]](sm09-018-t.jpg) SFYC harbor. |
![[Click to enlarge]](sm09-019-t.jpg) Safe dockside. |
![[Click to enlarge]](sm09-020-t.jpg) Blue Streak |
![[Click to enlarge]](sm09-021-t.jpg) Vitesse |
![[Click to enlarge]](sm09-022-t.jpg) We want her! |
![[Click to enlarge]](sm09-023-t.jpg) The raft builds |
![[Click to enlarge]](sm09-024-t.jpg) Orion arrives ... |
![[Click to enlarge]](sm09-025-t.jpg) crew alert ... |
![[Click to enlarge]](sm09-026-t.jpg) Genoa on watch ... |
![[Click to enlarge]](sm09-027-t.jpg) great group and ... |
![[Click to enlarge]](sm09-028-t.jpg) great landing. |
![[Click to enlarge]](sm09-029-t.jpg) Mio & mom take ... |
![[Click to enlarge]](sm09-030-t.jpg) pretty picture ... |
![[Click to enlarge]](sm09-031-t.jpg) all secure. |
![[Click to enlarge]](sm09-032-t.jpg) All relaxed |
![[Click to enlarge]](sm09-033-t.jpg) Tucker too. |
![[Click to enlarge]](sm09-034-t.jpg) Jay Hooker, I-36er & SFYC Port Captian |
![[Click to enlarge]](sm09-035-t.jpg) Genoa leads BAADS Commodore |
![[Click to enlarge]](sm09-036-t.jpg) John Melton arrives |
![[Click to enlarge]](sm09-037-t.jpg) Deb Tucker & friend Tom |
![[Click to enlarge]](sm09-038-t.jpg) Susan & friend Catherine & Dan Knox |
![[Click to enlarge]](sm09-039-t.jpg) Let's tie up boats! |
![[Click to enlarge]](sm09-040-t.jpg) Sun over yardarm = |
![[Click to enlarge]](sm09-041-t.jpg) nibbles time! |
![[Click to enlarge]](sm09-042-t.jpg) All hands ... |
![[Click to enlarge]](sm09-043-t.jpg) gather to chat. |
![[Click to enlarge]](sm09-044-t.jpg) Ron pours ... |
![[Click to enlarge]](sm09-045-t.jpg) serious talk. |
![[Click to enlarge]](sm09-046-t.jpg) Happy crowd ... |
![[Click to enlarge]](sm09-047-t.jpg) on Mai Pen Rai |
![[Click to enlarge]](sm09-048-t.jpg) BAADS crew shows off... |
![[Click to enlarge]](sm09-049-t.jpg) great burgee! |
![[Click to enlarge]](sm09-050-t.jpg) Deb Tucker & BAADS Commodore |
![[Click to enlarge]](sm09-051-t.jpg) Gary & BAADS crew ... |
![[Click to enlarge]](sm09-052-t.jpg) ditto ... |
![[Click to enlarge]](sm09-053-t.jpg) Nancy & BAADS crew. |
![[Click to enlarge]](sm09-054-t.jpg) Dinner time ... |
![[Click to enlarge]](sm09-055-t.jpg) I AGREE!!!!! |
![[Click to enlarge]](sm09-056-t.jpg) Commodore Corky ... |
![[Click to enlarge]](sm09-057-t.jpg) backs Brigid in ... |
![[Click to enlarge]](sm09-058-t.jpg) Tucker approves ... |
![[Click to enlarge]](sm09-059-t.jpg) so does Ron. |
![[Click to enlarge]](sm09-060-t.jpg) Wine??? |
![[Click to enlarge]](sm09-061-t.jpg) Over here. |
![[Click to enlarge]](sm09-062-t.jpg) Almost bedtime. |
![[Click to enlarge]](sm09-063-t.jpg) Saturday morning |
![[Click to enlarge]](sm09-064-t.jpg) Commodore's breakfast |
![[Click to enlarge]](sm09-065-t.jpg) Charles does Rules ... |
![[Click to enlarge]](sm09-066-t.jpg) BAADS crew watches ... |
![[Click to enlarge]](sm09-067-t.jpg) back row. |
![[Click to enlarge]](sm09-068-t.jpg) Know alls. |
![[Click to enlarge]](sm09-069-t.jpg) Mark-Room |
![[Click to enlarge]](sm09-070-t.jpg) Lots of attention. |
![[Click to enlarge]](sm09-071-t.jpg) It's a wrap. |
![[Click to enlarge]](sm09-072-t.jpg) Club jib on Vitesse ... |
![[Click to enlarge]](sm09-073-t.jpg) leads aft ... |
![[Click to enlarge]](sm09-074-t.jpg) block at rail. |
![[Click to enlarge]](sm09-075-t.jpg) Sandy beats the rain |
![[Click to enlarge]](sm09-076-t.jpg) Happy hour begins ... |
![[Click to enlarge]](sm09-077-t.jpg) We're ready! |
![[Click to enlarge]](sm09-078-t.jpg) Bar line |
![[Click to enlarge]](sm09-079-t.jpg) Karen, Anna & Pat do check-in |
![[Click to enlarge]](sm09-080-t.jpg) BAADS table |
![[Click to enlarge]](sm09-081-t.jpg) ARt, Betsy, Janice & Mike |
![[Click to enlarge]](sm09-082-t.jpg) Charles, Kathryn & Sandy |
![[Click to enlarge]](sm09-083-t.jpg) Robert, Mary, Pat & Gary |
![[Click to enlarge]](sm09-084-t.jpg) David, Jim & Corky |
![[Click to enlarge]](sm09-085-t.jpg) Rich, Jim, Gail, Bill |
![[Click to enlarge]](sm09-086-t.jpg) Jim, Barbara & Noble |
![[Click to enlarge]](sm09-087-t.jpg) Noble, Jim & Jane |
![[Click to enlarge]](sm09-088-t.jpg) Dennis & Judy, Skipper & Nancy |
![[Click to enlarge]](sm09-089-t.jpg) Don, Bill & Jana |
![[Click to enlarge]](sm09-090-t.jpg) Dave, Dan & Myphi |
![[Click to enlarge]](sm09-091-t.jpg) Susan, Nanci & John |
![[Click to enlarge]](sm09-092-t.jpg) John, Debra, Eric |
![[Click to enlarge]](sm09-093-t.jpg) Michele, Rob & Ruby |
![[Click to enlarge]](sm09-094-t.jpg) Lou, Don & Harry |
![[Click to enlarge]](sm09-095-t.jpg) Last year's goodies |
![[Click to enlarge]](sm09-096-t.jpg) Vern & Cheryl, AllenPICT4300 |
![[Click to enlarge]](sm09-097-t.jpg) Corky gets it started... |
![[Click to enlarge]](sm09-098-t.jpg) Dan's report ... |
![[Click to enlarge]](sm09-099-t.jpg) Membership... |
![[Click to enlarge]](sm09-100-t.jpg) David does racing ... |
![[Click to enlarge]](sm09-101-t.jpg) Flags fly for ... |
![[Click to enlarge]](sm09-102-t.jpg) Wallejo 2008 ... |
![[Click to enlarge]](sm09-103-t.jpg) Saturday and ... |
![[Click to enlarge]](sm09-104-t.jpg) Sunday. |
![[Click to enlarge]](sm09-105-t.jpg) Double winner |
![[Click to enlarge]](sm09-106-t.jpg) Mine! |
![[Click to enlarge]](sm09-107-t.jpg) More mine! |
![[Click to enlarge]](sm09-108-t.jpg) Aw, you shouldn't have. |
![[Click to enlarge]](sm09-109-t.jpg) Encinal Youth thanks |
![[Click to enlarge]](sm09-110-t.jpg) Anna does cruise. |
![[Click to enlarge]](sm09-111-t.jpg) Feature story ... |
![[Click to enlarge]](sm09-112-t.jpg) by Andrew Vik. |
![[Click to enlarge]](sm09-113-t.jpg) On with the show ... |
![[Click to enlarge]](sm09-114-t.jpg) close attention ... |
![[Click to enlarge]](sm09-115-t.jpg) Big playground! |
![[Click to enlarge]](sm09-116-t.jpg) First sight ... |
![[Click to enlarge]](sm09-117-t.jpg) Med delights ... |
![[Click to enlarge]](sm09-118-t.jpg) good anchorage ... |
![[Click to enlarge]](sm09-119-t.jpg) imported crew. |
![[Click to enlarge]](sm09-120-t.jpg) What to get |
![[Click to enlarge]](sm09-121-t.jpg) Only $220 per night! |
![[Click to enlarge]](sm09-122-t.jpg) New crew |
![[Click to enlarge]](sm09-123-t.jpg) Party time |
Andrew Vik Slides
There is nothing like the grace and spaciousness of an Islander to draw attention. Here are some shots of the fun on Geja.
![[Click to enlarge]](geja-001-t.jpg) Cefalu - Sicily |
![[Click to enlarge]](geja-002-t.jpg) Sicilian crew party |
![[Click to enlarge]](geja-003-t.jpg) Aeolian Island of Vulcano |
![[Click to enlarge]](geja-004-t.jpg) Syracuse - Sicily |
![[Click to enlarge]](geja-005-t.jpg) Syracuse Crew |
![[Click to enlarge]](geja-006-t.jpg) Montenegro sunrise |
![[Click to enlarge]](geja-007-t.jpg) Russian crew does tequila |
![[Click to enlarge]](geja-008-t.jpg) Herceg Novi - Montenegro |
![[Click to enlarge]](geja-009-t.jpg) Kotor fjord |
![[Click to enlarge]](geja-010-t.jpg) Perast - Montenegro |
![[Click to enlarge]](geja-011-t.jpg) Geja side ties |
![[Click to enlarge]](geja-012-t.jpg) Dubrovnik |
![[Click to enlarge]](geja-013-t.jpg) Balkan shore party |
![[Click to enlarge]](geja-014-t.jpg) Skipper & fine Russian |
You can see much more at http://ysc.org/geja/.