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Fall Meeting at RYC 11/1/14 |
(If you like, you can skip down through the prose and go straight to the pictures below!)
We had sixty-five folks representing 28 Islanders on hand for the Fall Meeting and Winner's Dinner at Richmond Yacht Club. It turned out to be a beautiful evening at RYC with a most unusual view of several big thunder heads visible to the south beyond San Francisco and down to the south Bay. Good conversations, great food, and a special gathering of our Islander friends.
Much needed rain had soaked the Bay Area on Friday, and scattered showers and some healthy thunderstorms lingered into Saturday morning. Showing the wisdom of true Islanders, most choose to skip Friday and arrive by Land Yacht on Saturday, and those that did come by boat, Mischief, Evanescence, Snowflower, and Califia had relatively short distances to come and some nice sailing weather. There was some time before the festivities kicked off to gather aboard and exchange the usual stories of boat projects and dreams to fulfill. But then it was time to get cleaned up and head into the clubhouse.
Here are the boats and folks that made it so much fun:
Boat | Owner & Crew & Guests |
4 R Sanity | Roger & Linda McClellan |
Andiamo | Adam Perrell |
Bella Luna | Robert DaPrato & Maria Santiago |
Califia | Tim Bussiek, Danie Lupovici, Luc Simard, Jim & Pamela Chie |
Cassiopeia | Kit Wiegman |
Celebration | Ken & Miriam Rappolt |
Evanescense | Smokey & Laurie Stover |
Falcon | Bruce & Donna Hallberg |
Fantasy | Gene & Cheryl Novak |
Freedom Won | John & Nanci Melton |
Frolic | Steve & Susan Hodges Sam & Aliisa Hodges |
Hurulu | Jan Pehrson |
Kindred Spirits | Don & Barbara Henderson |
Laughing Matter | Michael Daley & Karen Sweezy |
Mischief | Charles Hodgkins & Kathryn Munn |
Music | Dave Barclay |
Natural High | Dennis & Judy Bush |
Ophira | Gary & Pat Salvo |
Orion | Alex Okrut, Cristina Rubke, Nina Riehs, Tom Allegretti |
Serenity | Eric Mueller, Greg, Roger & Susan Anderson, Karima Cherif, Serge Zaverin |
Snowflower | Dan Tracy, Glen Melnik |
Some Day | Roy & Melinda Samuelson |
TweenBoat | Skipper & Nancy Wall |
Vanishing Animal | Rick & Sandy Van Mell |
Vivace | Bill & Pattie O'Connor |
White Horses | Rob Blenderman |
Woden | Bob Knickerbocker |
Woodbine | Ron & Karen Damsen |
ex-Zenith | (Art &) Betsy Fowler |
Zingara | Steve & Jocelyn Swanson + Dave & Teresa Noce |
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Richmond Yacht Club provided a terrific evening, starting off with a warm welcome from Commodore Susan Hubbard. Richmond YC has a very strong Junior Sailing Program, and Susan was one of it's earliest students and the daughter of a past RYC Commodore. In keeping with our own tradition of supporting host yacht clubs,the Association is making a $250 donation to their junior program.
RYC laid out a flowing platter of cheese and fruit for hors de oeuvres as the crowd checked out the trophies and met old friends and newer members. Many had not been to Richmond YC before, and were suitably impressed with their facilities. There is a large section of one wall with sections for each of their eight decades of history with pictures and brief descriptions of highlights. Chef Mike Catalli prepared a delicious dinner with mouth-watering Prime Rib, with Garlic & Chive Mashed Potatoes, Vegetables, and Onion Popovers, or Grilled King Salmon Fillet with Basmati Rice, Vegetables, Orange/Tarragon Butter Sauce, finished off with a Warm Chocolate Lava Cake. A perfect way to move into our presentations and awards.
We were fortunate to have two great presentations that highlighted two remarkable examples of extreme Islander sailing.
The first was by our Islander member Orion sailed by the Bay Area Association of Disabled Sailors, simply known as BAADS. They have raced Orion in many Islander races in all SF Bay conditions, and cruised with us out the Gate and down to Half Moon Bay. What makes this remarkable is that most of their members have some form of disability. For example, Commodore Cristina Rubke is in a wheelchair, and maneuvers it with her chin - and she sails on Orion. BAADS, based out of South Beach Marina, adjacent to the SF Giants AT and T Park, seeks to make sailing available to all people with disabilities. You can follow their presentation in the pictures below. It's all volunteer, and operates 28 boats with 230 members on a budget of $60,000 per year.
Then we had Steve Hodges present a great slide show on victory in the Single Handed TransPac race to Hawaii aboard his I-36 Frolic. This was his second single handed race and he talked about all of the strengthening he did to be sure bulkheads, rigging, self-steering, and storm sails were up to the trip. He won by about 50 minutes on corrected time in a race that lasted two weeks! He also showed us a video of the return trip to California, dodging three hurricanes along the way, that included some incredible under water shots taken with a GoPro camera lashed to a boathook. Watching a pod of dolphins swim along under water was really special. Here is a link to an interview with Steve after the race: http://sfbaysss.org/shtp/pd-interview-steve-hodges-of-frolic/. And here's a link to Steve's storm sail set-up: http://islander36.org/boatpics/frolic/frolic-storm.html
Then we moved on to the business meeting, with Gary & Pat Salvo of Ophira receiving the Cruising Award. For racing it was Tim Bussiek's Califia getting the Hammond Trophy, and Kit Wiegman's Cassiopeia winning the Nationals Regatta Trophy. There were two nominees for the Crew Award, Danie Lupovici of Califia, and Mara Gutman of Cassiopeia, with the award going to Mara. finally, the Schneider Trophy for a dedicated contribution to the Islander 36 Association went to Kit Wiegman for his work as Race Chair, frequent Race Clinic Instructor, and leadership by example in his single handed winning race to Hawaii.
We are encouraging all members to consider stepping up and helping run the Association by filling one of the various offices. It's a great way to meet other members and to learn about racing or cruising opportunities on the Bay. You can "understudy" with a current officer, as Roy Samuelson will be doing with Pat Salvo so he can take over the Treasury slot in 2016. After three years of putting out our classy and informative Newsletters, Editor Bill Ray has stepped down and we are looking for a volunteer to fill the slot. Bill would be happy to discuss software and other production ideas with curious volunteers. The 2015 Officers elected are: Board: - Commodore: Rick Van Mell; Vice Commodore: Nina Riehs; Treasurer: Pat Salvo; Secretary: Tim Bussiek; Measurer: Kit Wiegman. Appointees: - Race Chair: Kit Wiegman; Cruise Chair: Ruby Blenderman; Membership Chair: Bob Knickerbocker; Newsletter Chair: (Open); Webmaster: Rick Van Mell.
We wrapped up the evening with a short Door Prize drawing with Tim Bussiek's son Carl doing the drawing honors. Results at the bottom of the pictures.
Have a great fall and Holiday Season, get in some sailing or racing if you've got soft water where you are, and get ready for a Safe, Fun and As Fair As Possible 2015 season.
Pictures by Rick Van Mell and Robert DaPrato. Click on images to enlarge, click "Back" to return.
![[Click to enlarge]](fm14-001-t.jpg) Richmond burgee ... |
![[Click to enlarge]](fm14-002-t.jpg) dockside activity ... |
![[Click to enlarge]](fm14-003-t.jpg) San Francisco skyline ... |
![[Click to enlarge]](fm14-004-t.jpg) Bay Briodge in background ... |
![[Click to enlarge]](fm14-005-t.jpg) Angel Island ... |
![[Click to enlarge]](fm14-006-t.jpg) looking back east ... |
![[Click to enlarge]](fm14-007-t.jpg) Want a house and dock? |
![[Click to enlarge]](fm14-008-t.jpg) Islanders ... |
![[Click to enlarge]](fm14-009-t.jpg) Mischief ... |
![[Click to enlarge]](fm14-010-t.jpg) Evanescence |
![[Click to enlarge]](fm14-011-t.jpg) RYC history ... |
![[Click to enlarge]](fm14-012-t.jpg) Time to ... |
![[Click to enlarge]](fm14-013-t.jpg) start setting up ... |
![[Click to enlarge]](fm14-014-t.jpg) audio / video controls ... |
![[Click to enlarge]](fm14-015-t.jpg) Steve sets up ... |
![[Click to enlarge]](fm14-016-t.jpg) slide show running ... |
![[Click to enlarge]](fm14-017-t.jpg) on the screen ... |
![[Click to enlarge]](fm14-018-t.jpg) Chef Mike has ... |
![[Click to enlarge]](fm14-019-t.jpg) prime rib cooking. |
![[Click to enlarge]](fm14-020-t.jpg) tables look good ... |
![[Click to enlarge]](fm14-021-t.jpg) ready for ... |
![[Click to enlarge]](fm14-022-t.jpg) Betsy to say "Go!" |
![[Click to enlarge]](fm14-023-t.jpg) Miriam and Ken ... |
![[Click to enlarge]](fm14-024-t.jpg) more arrivals. |
![[Click to enlarge]](fm14-025-t.jpg) Bill, Pattie & Charles |
![[Click to enlarge]](fm14-026-t.jpg) Decisions, decisions ... |
![[Click to enlarge]](fm14-027-t.jpg) too funny! |
![[Click to enlarge]](fm14-028-t.jpg) Glen and Dan |
![[Click to enlarge]](fm14-029-t.jpg) Bill and Greg |
![[Click to enlarge]](fm14-030-t.jpg) Bruce, Donna and Don |
![[Click to enlarge]](fm14-031-t.jpg) Maria & Bob |
![[Click to enlarge]](fm14-032-t.jpg) Bill, Pattie and Sandy |
![[Click to enlarge]](fm14-033-t.jpg) Great hors de oeuvres |
![[Click to enlarge]](fm14-034-t.jpg) Comfortable conversations. |
![[Click to enlarge]](fm14-035-t.jpg) Ken, Bill and Miriam |
![[Click to enlarge]](fm14-036-t.jpg) Pattie and Kit |
![[Click to enlarge]](fm14-037-t.jpg) Michael & Karen |
![[Click to enlarge]](fm14-038-t.jpg) Cristina, Nina, Tom, Alex |
![[Click to enlarge]](fm14-039-t.jpg) Melinda and Pattie |
![[Click to enlarge]](fm14-040-t.jpg) Adam and Roy |
![[Click to enlarge]](fm14-041-t.jpg) Hodges family |
![[Click to enlarge]](fm14-042-t.jpg) What you got?! |
![[Click to enlarge]](fm14-043-t.jpg) Roger and Dennis |
![[Click to enlarge]](fm14-044-t.jpg) Nanci and Laurie |
![[Click to enlarge]](fm14-045-t.jpg) RYC Commodore Hubbard |
![[Click to enlarge]](fm14-046-t.jpg) Full house. |
![[Click to enlarge]](fm14-047-t.jpg) Cassiopeia / Frolic / Music |
![[Click to enlarge]](fm14-048-t.jpg) enjoying salad. |
![[Click to enlarge]](fm14-049-t.jpg) Califia / Bella Luna / Ophira |
![[Click to enlarge]](fm14-050-t.jpg) Laughiing Matter / Serenity |
![[Click to enlarge]](fm14-051-t.jpg) Natural High / 4 R Sanity / Snowflower |
![[Click to enlarge]](fm14-052-t.jpg) White HOrses / Woden / Falcon / Freedom Won |
![[Click to enlarge]](fm14-053-t.jpg) other side 1 ... |
![[Click to enlarge]](fm14-054-t.jpg) other side 2. |
![[Click to enlarge]](fm14-055-t.jpg) Zingara / |
![[Click to enlarge]](fm14-056-t.jpg) Orion |
![[Click to enlarge]](fm14-057-t.jpg) Some Day / Hurulu / Fantasy |
![[Click to enlarge]](fm14-058-t.jpg) TweenBoat / Kindrew Spirits / Woodbine / Evanescence |
![[Click to enlarge]](fm14-059-t.jpg) BAADS presentation ... |
![[Click to enlarge]](fm14-060-t.jpg) Who we are ... |
![[Click to enlarge]](fm14-061-t.jpg) What we do ... |
![[Click to enlarge]](fm14-062-t.jpg) By the numbers ... |
![[Click to enlarge]](fm14-063-t.jpg) Racing ... |
![[Click to enlarge]](fm14-064-t.jpg) You can help ... |
![[Click to enlarge]](fm14-065-t.jpg) Tax deductible ... |
![[Click to enlarge]](fm14-066-t.jpg) Thank You! |
![[Click to enlarge]](fm14-067-t.jpg) Steve presents Trans Pac ... |
![[Click to enlarge]](fm14-068-t.jpg) Single handed history. |
![[Click to enlarge]](fm14-069-t.jpg) Cruising Award to ... |
![[Click to enlarge]](fm14-070-t.jpg) Ophira |
![[Click to enlarge]](fm14-071-t.jpg) Hammond Trophy to ... |
![[Click to enlarge]](fm14-072-t.jpg) Califia |
![[Click to enlarge]](fm14-073-t.jpg) Nationals Trophy to ... |
![[Click to enlarge]](fm14-074-t.jpg) Cassiopeia |
![[Click to enlarge]](fm14-075-t.jpg) Crew Award to ... |
![[Click to enlarge]](fm14-076-t.jpg) Mara Gutman, Cassiopeia |
![[Click to enlarge]](fm14-077-t.jpg) Schneider Trophy to ... |
![[Click to enlarge]](fm14-078-t.jpg) Kit Wiegman |
![[Click to enlarge]](fm14-079-t.jpg) Carl draws Door Prizes ... |
![[Click to enlarge]](fm14-080-t.jpg) Zenith Wine Basket |
![[Click to enlarge]](fm14-081-t.jpg) Vivace Sonoma wine |
![[Click to enlarge]](fm14-082-t.jpg) Serenity Soft Schackles |
![[Click to enlarge]](fm14-083-t.jpg) KKMI Haul Out |
![[Click to enlarge]](fm14-084-t.jpg) Sunday morning home. |
Door Prizes
Donation | Donor Boat/Company | Winner |
Certificate for 1 gallon of Bottom Paint w/Haulout | Svendsen's, Alameda | Karen Sweezy, Laughing Matter |
Soft Shackles | Serenity | Linda McClellan, 4 R Sanity |
Soft Shackles | Serenity | Greg Anderson |
Soft Shackles | Serenity | Bruce Hallberg, Falcon |
Soft Shackles | Serenity | Daved Barclay, Music |
Soft Shackles | Serenity | Bob Knickerbocker,Woden |
Zenith Wine Basket | Zenith | Gene Novak, Fantasy |
4 pack of Sonoma wines | Vivace | Skipper Wall, "TweenBoat" |
Haul Out/Wine Bottle | KKMI, Richmond | Dani Lupovici, Califia |