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Fall Meeting at Coyote Point YC 11/6/21
(If you like, you can skip down through the prose and go straight to the pictures below!)
A mild 65 degree day with clear skies greeted your Islander fleet as we gathered at Coyote Point Yacht Club for our annual Fall Meeting and Winners Dinner. Founding member Lou Zevanov and his son Steve of Diana fame represented the most senior attendee, while Barry Bricker, new owner of Heidi Anne, joined the Association during the meeting to become our very newest member. In total, given some COVID concerns, 11 boats were represented by 19 people who enjoyed a great buffet dinner, held the business meeting, then finished up with everyone sharing how they came to become Islander 36 owners. Here is the attending list:
Boat | Owner & Crew |
Diana | Lou & Steve Zevanove |
Falcon | Bruce & Donna Hallberg |
Full Circle | Cindy Irwin |
Heidi Anne | Barry Bricker |
Island Girl | Frank & Will Burkhart |
Kapai | Rick & Kathy Egan |
Mambo | Chris Fearon |
Sassy Girl | Jeff & Yvonne Milnes |
Some Day | Roy & Melinda Samuelson |
Vanishing Animal | Rick & Sandy Van Mell |
Zingara | Jocelyn & Steve Swanson |
Rick Egan, our 2021 Vice Commodore, did an excellent job of setting up CPYC for the meeting. With help from Jocelyn Swanson and Rick Van Mell, the welcome table had names tags for everyone. Then Jocelyn repeated her great Cheese & Crackers board from 2019 that made for a great hors d'oeuvre table. The catered buffet started off with a fresh salad with blue cheese, walnuts, apples, cranberries and spinach. Then came the Chicken Marsala, a vegetarian Lasagna, and mixed vegetables. It all finished up with a veriety of chocolate bites for dessert.
Rick Egan and Jocelyn shared the honors to run the business meeting. The Membership report by Steve Swanson hilighted our 130 members stretching from the Med to Australia, north to Canada, and south to Columbia. Steve also stood in for TReasurer Mike Patterson and, as has become the rallying cry, "We have money!"
Rick did the ceremonial presentation of the Nationals Regatta Trophy whihc was won by Rich & Tom Shoenhair on Windwalker On to the business of the evening, Commodore Eric Mueller called for a Treasury report - "We have money," said Roy, then on to Jocelyn for a Membership report - We have members from 25 states and as far away as Tasmania!
Then he presented the Schneider Trophy Nomination and Award. "The nominee for the 2021 Schneider Trophy is an 11 year member. Has been active in cruising and racing. Was Cruise Chair (at least) twice. Served as Vice-Commodore, and then Commodore. Participated in our COVID Rallies, sailed in the Great Vallejo Race, and raced in the Nationals Regatta this year. And, he was the spearhead for getting us back into Golden Gate YC for the Nationals Regatta for our first in-person gathering since the Fall Meeting of 2019. Please join us in congratulating the 2021 Schneider Trophy recipient, Bob DaPrato (Bella Luna).
The business meeting wrapped up with the election of 2022 Officers:
Rick Egan (Kapai) Vice Commodore
Mike Patterson (Green Flash) Treasurer
(Open) Secretary
Kit Wiegman (Cassiopeia) Measurer
(Open) Fleet Captain
(Open) Cruise Chair
David Wadson & Cara Croves (Jubilee Newsletter Editors
Steve Swanson (Zingara) Membership Chair
Rick Van Mell (Vanishing Animal) Webmaster
Jocelyn Swanson (Zingara) Staff Commodore
New Commodore Rick Egan then suggested we all introduce ourselves to each other with a little story of how we came to have an Isalnder 36. We started with founding member Lou Zevanov and he told how he had first bought Diana as one of the 1st boats in the fleet, then sold her, only to have regrets and eventually buy her back again. Laughs and sea stories continued as we went around the tables. It was a wonderful way to wrap up the evening.
So enjoy the pictures, then make a note to check the tides and weather to join us Wednesday, January 1st 2022 for the 'Round Alameda Parade. (Weather permitting.)
Pictures Rick Van Mell. Click on images to enlarge, click "Back" to return.
 Coyote Point Hbr. |
 I-36 Sign-in |
 CPYC is ... |
 ready ... |
 tables are ... |
 set ... |
 Agenda ... |
 Nationals Regatta Trophy |
 Schneider Trophy |
 Commodores' Plaque. |
 Check in here. |
 Barry, Rick, Kathy |
 Frank, Steve Rick, Kathy |
 Donna & Bruce Cindy and Barry |
 Come and get it! |
 Dinner buffet ... |
 Melinda & Roy |
 Sandy, Lou, Steve Jocelyn & Steve |
 Chris, Melinda, Roy Yvonne & Jeff Kathy & Rick |
 Will, Cindy, Barry Bruce, Donna, Frank |
 Nice gathering |
 Rick starts the meeting |
 Nationals presentation |
 Schneider presentation |
 Commodore's Plaque |
 Good evening. |