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Fall Meeting 11/5/16 at Island YC |
(If you like, you can skip down through the prose and go straight to the pictures below!)
Island Yacht Club was a great host for our Fall Meeting & Winner's Dinner on Saturday, November 5th. Where else do you see the overflowing appetizer shrimp bowl, with a tangy dipping sauce, refilled not once, but twice during cocktail hour, and the cheese, veggies, crackers and bruschetta complemented the shrimp nicely. Our dinner entrees of pork tenderloin or salmon were nicely cooked, and the grilled vegetables, kale salad, mashed potatoes and rice pilaf were just right. Commodore Nork had a wonderful 3I6 logo-decorated carrot cake sheet cake to accompany IYC's cheery cheese cake for dessert. Add in a warm atmosphere of nautical flags and a ship in the rafter, plus a continuous slide show of 2016's web page pictures on the screen during dinner, and you get a wonderful picture of a great Islander evening. You should have been there!
In all we had 45 folks representing 22 Islanders in attendance. We had a wonderful representation of all ages,from 80's to 8's! Check out the list below for our best recollection of who was there.
Boat | Owner & Crew & Guests |
Bella Luna | Bob DaPrato & Maria Santiago |
Cassiopeia | Kit Wiegman, Naomi Wortis, Yvonne Wiegman |
Diana | Lou & Diane Zevanov |
Evanescence | Smokey & Laurie Stover |
ex-Zenith | Art & Betsy Fowler |
Falcon | Bruce & Donna Hallberg |
Freedom Won | John & Nanci Melton |
Hangover | David Book |
Kindred Spirits | Don & Barbara Henderson |
Mischief | Charles & Kathryn Hodgkins |
Natural High | Dennis & Judy Bush |
Ophira | Gary & Pat Salvo |
Osprey | Jim Lovell |
Pacific High | Harry & Suzy Farrell |
Serenity | Roger & Susan Anderson |
Some Day | Roy & Melinda Samuelson |
Tweenboat | Skipper & Nancy Wall |
Vanishing Animal | Rick & Sandy Van Mell |
White Horses | Rob & Ruby Blenderman |
Windwalker | Tom, Jay & Maya Shoenhair, Scott Hauser |
Zenith | Bill,Susan & Paul Nork |
Zingara | Steve & Jocelyn Swanson |
After dinner Kit Wiegman captured our attention with a great presentation on preparing for, and sailing in the Pacific Cup to Hawaii. He started with the additional safety features for the race, including an emergency steering rig on the transom, a heaving line, Man Overboard Pole, Lifesling, Radar Reflector and an AIS receiver. To keep the crew happy and comfortable at sea, each of the five crew members brought two of their favorite dishes aboard, which covered 10 of the 14 days. They chose brown bread that lasts longer, plus apples and oranges (remember to keep scurvy at bay), and eggs and bell peppers. The watch system included a 10-hours-off day every 5th day when the job was to be cook and clean-up but otherwise generally chill time. The race itself was considered one of the windiest and most challenging sea conditions by many of the long-time participants. Winds were often in the 20s and 30s with large swells from hurricanes to the south and west. Cassiopeia even had to back-track for part of a day because the Race Committee established a No-Go gate because of Hurricane Darby in front of part of the fleet. Much of the time it was double reefed main and #3 or #4 jib. In one hour hour stretch they AVERAGED 10.2 knots with a #4 jib. Their max speed was 13.2 knots. They caught a Mahi-Mahi which provided fresh shashimi and two nights of fish tacos! They wore life jackets and teathers while on deck, and each crew had a knife and personal locator for emergencies. They finished 3rd in class.
On the way home, the strong winds continues, and they sailed for 4 days with the helm locked, adjusting course with sail trim. Because the Pacific High was very far north, they set a course under it and powered for 72 hours straight in the light air. One challenge was keeping sea birds from landing on the top of the mast and damaging the instruments and windex. That was accomplished by making a radical turn just as birds tried to land! Kit had some spectacular photos of lighting, but not one of the strike that was only a few hundred feet form the boat! There were lots of questions, and many envious faces who wished they were there. Thanks Kit!
Roy Samuelson led off the Business Meeting with the Treasurer's report. With most of the year's expenses on the books, except for the costs of the Fall Meeting, we had net income of $2,154, before the expenses of the trophy engraving and prizes at the Fall Meeting.
Bill Nork talked about the 2017 draft Racing Schedule ( http://islander36.org/17race.html ) and explained how it is designed to use a variety of starting areas and courses from the YRA Master Calendar (over 400 races!)
Bob DaPrato interrupted Bill to show off the latest issue of Latitude 38 with a full page, page 3, Pineapple Sails ad, reading the first paragraph, "Bill & Susan Nork, with twin sons Paul and Tom, and fellow Islander 36 boat owner Jim Lovell, sailed Zenith, the Nork Family boat, to victory in last Month's Islander 36 Nationals." When the first round of cheers died down, Rick stepped up and presented Bill with the Nationals trophy.
Bob also did the honors for the Cruising events for the year, awarding the annual Winton Cruising Award to Ruby & Rob Blenderman and White Horses for their years of support for cruising activities, identifying the very popular Treasure Island Flea Market events, and hosting many wonderful July 4th celebrations at their home in Benicia.
Commodore Nork then asked Rick van Mell to help give out the racing awards for Fleet Captain Eric Mueller who was out of town on business. The Buster Hammond Trophy went to Windwalker, Rich & Tom Shoenhair, for first place in the Season's Championship. Tom, and eight year old twins Jan and Maya had departed earlier to pick up his wife at the airport, but crew Scott Hauser accepted the big trophy. Eric had also gotten a pair of beautiful, green, monogrammed shirts from Lands End with the 3I6 logo and ship's name for Windwalker, 2nd Zingara, and 3rd place Kapai. As noted above, 1st place for the Nationals Regatta went to first time winner Zenith, Bill &: Susan Nork. Wrapping up the racing section, the Perpetual Crew Trophy went to Roger Anderson of Serenity for his 20 years of sailing with Eric, ability to handle all positions on the boat, coaching new crew members, and even helping set marks at the Nationals Regatta. Also nominated for the Crew Award were Islander owner and Cassiopeia crew Carlos Cadiente, and Sheri Hunt, navigator on Serenity for the Pacific Cup.
This year's winner of the Schneider Trophy for service to the Association went to Gary Salvo (Ophira) for being Secretary, Vice Commodore, Past Commodore, original Webmaster and 20 years as our List Administrator!!!!!
The last official item on the agenda was the election of the Islander 36 Association 2017 Officers. by unanimous acclaim they are:
Susan Nork (Zenith) Commodore
Bob DaPrato (Bella Luna) Vice Commodore
Roy Samuelson (Some Day) Treasurer
Bill Nork (Zenith) Secretary
Kit Wiegman (Cassiopeia) Measurer
Eric Mueller (Serenity) Fleet Captain
Robert DaPrato (Bella Luna) Cruise Chair Alternate or understudy wanted)
Philip Seaman (ex-Mouse Pad) Newsletter Editor
Jocelyn Swanson (Zingara) Membership Chair
Rick Van Mell (Vanishing Animal) Webmaster
So enjoy the pictures, then make a note to check the tides and weather to join us Sunday, January 1st for the 'Round Alameda Parade, and March 18, 2017 for the Spring Meeting at Golden Gate Yacht Club.
Pictures by Rick Van Mell. Click on images to enlarge, click "Back" to return.
![[Click to enlarge]](fm16-001-t.jpg) At Alameda Marina ... |
![[Click to enlarge]](fm16-002-t.jpg) across from Svendsen's ... |
![[Click to enlarge]](fm16-003-t.jpg) is Island Yacht Club ... |
![[Click to enlarge]](fm16-004-t.jpg) a friendly welcome ... |
![[Click to enlarge]](fm16-005-t.jpg) Pat & Skipper ... |
![[Click to enlarge]](fm16-006-t.jpg) playing hosts. |
![[Click to enlarge]](fm16-007-t.jpg) Great setup ... |
![[Click to enlarge]](fm16-008-t.jpg) Trophy table ... |
![[Click to enlarge]](fm16-009-t.jpg) Projection table ... |
![[Click to enlarge]](fm16-010-t.jpg) Islander cake ... |
![[Click to enlarge]](fm16-011-t.jpg) all by Susan!!! |
![[Click to enlarge]](fm16-012-t.jpg) The crowd gathers ... |
![[Click to enlarge]](fm16-013-t.jpg) Good eats ... |
![[Click to enlarge]](fm16-014-t.jpg) Shrimp ... |
![[Click to enlarge]](fm16-015-t.jpg) Bruschgetta ... |
![[Click to enlarge]](fm16-016-t.jpg) Cheese and ... |
![[Click to enlarge]](fm16-017-t.jpg) crackers. |
![[Click to enlarge]](fm16-018-t.jpg) Quench your thirst ... |
![[Click to enlarge]](fm16-019-t.jpg) Maya, Jay & Tom... |
![[Click to enlarge]](fm16-020-t.jpg) nice bar. |
![[Click to enlarge]](fm16-021-t.jpg) Maria & Melinda |
![[Click to enlarge]](fm16-022-t.jpg) David & Roy |
![[Click to enlarge]](fm16-023-t.jpg) Smokey & Kathryn ... |
![[Click to enlarge]](fm16-024-t.jpg) Laurie's OK |
![[Click to enlarge]](fm16-025-t.jpg) Bruce & Donna |
![[Click to enlarge]](fm16-026-t.jpg) Big talk ... |
![[Click to enlarge]](fm16-027-t.jpg) big smiles. |
![[Click to enlarge]](fm16-028-t.jpg) Kit & Bill |
![[Click to enlarge]](fm16-029-t.jpg) Fun downstairs ... |
![[Click to enlarge]](fm16-030-t.jpg) more arrive ... |
![[Click to enlarge]](fm16-031-t.jpg) on the board ... |
![[Click to enlarge]](fm16-032-t.jpg) our sailing grounds. |
![[Click to enlarge]](fm16-033-t.jpg) Kit, Susan & Roy |
![[Click to enlarge]](fm16-034-t.jpg) Pat & Jocelyn |
![[Click to enlarge]](fm16-035-t.jpg) Kit, Steve & Lou |
![[Click to enlarge]](fm16-036-t.jpg) Happy group |
![[Click to enlarge]](fm16-037-t.jpg) Shrimp refill! |
![[Click to enlarge]](fm16-038-t.jpg) Jim & Bill |
![[Click to enlarge]](fm16-039-t.jpg) IYC wins many ... |
![[Click to enlarge]](fm16-040-t.jpg) Opening Day ... |
![[Click to enlarge]](fm16-041-t.jpg) Parades! |
![[Click to enlarge]](fm16-042-t.jpg) Rob & Ruby |
![[Click to enlarge]](fm16-043-t.jpg) Art, Bruce & Donna |
![[Click to enlarge]](fm16-044-t.jpg) Nancy, Betsy & Laurie |
![[Click to enlarge]](fm16-045-t.jpg) Yvonne & Naomi |
![[Click to enlarge]](fm16-046-t.jpg) the Bionic Men!!! |
![[Click to enlarge]](fm16-047-t.jpg) They agree. |
![[Click to enlarge]](fm16-048-t.jpg) Nanci & Diane |
![[Click to enlarge]](fm16-049-t.jpg) Upstairs for dinner ... |
![[Click to enlarge]](fm16-050-t.jpg) table is full. |
![[Click to enlarge]](fm16-051-t.jpg) Good times ... |
![[Click to enlarge]](fm16-052-t.jpg) making a point ... |
![[Click to enlarge]](fm16-053-t.jpg) something new ... |
![[Click to enlarge]](fm16-054-t.jpg) getting acquaited ... |
![[Click to enlarge]](fm16-055-t.jpg) many smiles ... |
![[Click to enlarge]](fm16-056-t.jpg) around the table ... |
![[Click to enlarge]](fm16-057-t.jpg) what's that? |
![[Click to enlarge]](fm16-058-t.jpg) Dessert time! |
![[Click to enlarge]](fm16-059-t.jpg) Yvonne is ... |
![[Click to enlarge]](fm16-060-t.jpg) 1st in line. |
![[Click to enlarge]](fm16-061-t.jpg) Golden Gate YC RC Team |
![[Click to enlarge]](fm16-062-t.jpg) Susan kicks it off ... |
![[Click to enlarge]](fm16-063-t.jpg) Setting up for ... |
![[Click to enlarge]](fm16-064-t.jpg) Pacific Cup ... |
![[Click to enlarge]](fm16-065-t.jpg) Kit presents ... |
![[Click to enlarge]](fm16-066-t.jpg) slideshow. |
![[Click to enlarge]](fm16-067-t.jpg) Bill talks racing ... |
![[Click to enlarge]](fm16-068-t.jpg) Bob talks Cruising ... |
![[Click to enlarge]](fm16-069-t.jpg) Ruby gets ... |
![[Click to enlarge]](fm16-070-t.jpg) Cruising Award. |
![[Click to enlarge]](fm16-071-t.jpg) Windwalker gets ... |
![[Click to enlarge]](fm16-072-t.jpg) Season's Championship Buster Hammond Trophy |
![[Click to enlarge]](fm16-073-t.jpg) Zenith gets Nationals Trophy |
![[Click to enlarge]](fm16-074-t.jpg) Roger Anderson Serenity ... |
![[Click to enlarge]](fm16-075-t.jpg) gets Crew Award |
![[Click to enlarge]](fm16-076-t.jpg) Gary Salvo gets ... |
![[Click to enlarge]](fm16-077-t.jpg) Schneider Trophy |
![[Click to enlarge]](fm16-078-t.jpg) Susan with Commodore's Plaque. |