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I-36 Fall Meeting at Oakland YC 11/3/18 |
(If you like, you can skip down through the prose and go straight to the pictures below!)
It was a delightful, warm evening as your fleet gathered at Oakland Yacht Club for our annual Fall Meeting and Winners dinner. 19 boats were represented by 45 people who enjoyed a terrific presentation by our Canadian master member Burt Vermeer on his 45 day, 935 mile cruise up the east side of Vancouver Island to the Broughton Islands group for some spectacular cruising. The season's champions were presented with their trophies, and the special awards were given out. We had the whole 44 year span of membership represented including founding member Lou Zevanov to members new this year, and we elected new Officers for 2019. Here the attending list:
Boat | Owner & Crew & Guests |
Bella Luna | Bob DaPrato & Maria Santiago |
Cassiopeia | Kit Wiegman |
Diana | Lou Zevanov |
Ex-Zenith | Art & Betsy Fowler |
Everyday | Gail & Merv Giacomini |
Falcon | Bruce & Donna Hallberg |
Freedom Won | John & Nanci Melton |
Full Circle | Steve & Linda Ritz |
Green Flash | Liz Munnelly & Mike Patterson |
Highlighter | Bill Hackel & Mary Pestell |
Natasha | Bert & Carey Vermeer |
Natural High | Dennis & Judy Bush |
Ophira | Gary & Pat Salvo |
Serenity | Eric Mueller |
Shalinda | Sharon & Dave Hanna Linda & Tim Barnes |
Some Day | Roy & Melinda Samuelson |
Vanishing Animal | Rick & Sandy Van Mell |
White Horses | Ruby & Rob Blenderman |
Zingara | Jocelyn & Steve Swanson |
Bert Vermeer gave an excellent presentation, starting out with a brief overview of his Islander Bahama 30 Natasha in which he made the trip. Using both a large screen and projector and a bright 54" TV screen, he brought up charts of Vancouver Island and its fabled cruising grounds. The 40 mile long Johnstone Strait on the northeast corner of Vancouver Island can have days of 20 - 30 knot winds and 3 knot currents, and the destination Broughton Islands are only reached through the Strait. Burt got a lucky break and, though he had to beat most of the way, the winds were moderate and the current favorable. The various anchorages were surrounded by stunning mountain scenery, crystal clear waters and many sparkling waterfalls. The tides are generally in the 12 - 17 foot range which creates some spectacular currents in narrow passages. One shot below shows Natasha making 3.12 knots through the water, but doing 11.1 knots over the bottom! Add in some shots of humpback whales cruising alongside and dolphins playing and you get the picture of just how special these remote areas are. Here's the link so you can see it all for yourself: https://www.youtube.com/user/bertvermeer013/videos The link also includes Bert's trips to Barkley Sound and Circumnavigating Vancouver Island in 1991. And, if you'd like to see the charts, tide and current data, here's a link to the log with lots of pictures and the chart for each day's sailing: Vacation Log.
Commodore DaPrato, with organizational strategy from Vice_Commodore and Fleet Captain Eric Muller, called us to order as dinner was winding down, and started off with a call for reports.
Treasurer Roy Samuelson updated us on the good news that the financial ship is upright and in no danger of floundering.
Jocelyn Swanson updated us on Membership, and encouraged us all to reach out to other Islanders along our docks and harbors to invite them to join the fun. She noted that our web site is a big draw, and something we can each promote to other Islander owners we meet.
Rick Van Mell slipped his Webmaster report onto the tables showing we have passed 25,600 pictures, spread over 518 different pages, to show the world what we do.
Bob and Race Chair Eric Mueller gave out the racing awards with style and humor. The Ormand Cup went to Serenity, Eric Mueller, for 1st place in the Season's Championship Spinnaker Division. The Buster Hammond Trophy went to Zingara for 1st place in the Season's championship Non-Spinnaker Division. 1st place for the Nationals Regatta went to Bill Hackel and Highlighter. Wrapping up the racing section, the Perpetual Crew Award went to Dan Primus of Cassiopeia.
Bob did the honors for the Cruising events for the year, awarding the annual Winton Cruising Award to Jocelyn and Steve Swanson, Zingara for their support of cruising activities. Plus, since Zingara also made all the cruise events, they were presented with the Bill Higdon Racing/Cruising Award.
Bob then presented the Schneider Trophy for service to the Association to Dennis & Judy Bush (Natural High) for their contributions to racing, cruising and the administration of the Islander 36 Association.
Bob then wrapped up with the electionof 2019 Officers. Though there were some initial vacancies, volunteers were recruited, and the 2019 Officers elected are:
Eric Muller (Serenity) Commodore
Jocelyn Swanson (Zingara) Vice Commodore
Roy Samuelson (Some Day) Treasurer
Mike Patterson (Green Flash) Secretary
Kit Wiegman (Cassiopeia) Measurer
Roger Anderson (Serenity) Fleet Captain
Bob DaPrato (Bella Luna) Cruise Chair
Philip Seaman (ex-Mouse Pad) Newsletter Editor
Jocelyn Swanson (Zingara) Membership Chair
Rick Van Mell (Vanishing Animal) Webmaster
So enjoy the pictures, then make a note to check the tides and weather to join us Tuesday, January 1st 2019 for the 'Round Alameda Parade.
Pictures by Rick Van Mell. Click on images to enlarge, click "Back" to return.
![[Click to enlarge]](fm18-001-t.jpg) Welcome ... |
![[Click to enlarge]](fm18-002-t.jpg) I-36 Winners' Table ... |
![[Click to enlarge]](fm18-003-t.jpg) Winton Cruising Award |
![[Click to enlarge]](fm18-004-t.jpg) Nationals Trophy |
![[Click to enlarge]](fm18-005-t.jpg) Crew Award |
![[Click to enlarge]](fm18-006-t.jpg) Hammond Trophy Non-Spinnaker Division |
![[Click to enlarge]](fm18-007-t.jpg) Ormand Trophy Spinnaker Division |
![[Click to enlarge]](fm18-008-t.jpg) Schneider Trophy |
![[Click to enlarge]](fm18-009-t.jpg) Commodores Plaque |
![[Click to enlarge]](fm18-010-t.jpg) Tables are set |
![[Click to enlarge]](fm18-011-t.jpg) The gathering begins ... |
![[Click to enlarge]](fm18-012-t.jpg) Beverages flow ... |
![[Click to enlarge]](fm18-013-t.jpg) Dave, Bert & Roy |
![[Click to enlarge]](fm18-014-t.jpg) Liz and Mike ... |
![[Click to enlarge]](fm18-015-t.jpg) plus Maria |
![[Click to enlarge]](fm18-016-t.jpg) Lou, Bruce & Donna |
![[Click to enlarge]](fm18-017-t.jpg) Betsy, Art & Kit |
![[Click to enlarge]](fm18-018-t.jpg) Mary, Bill & Roy |
![[Click to enlarge]](fm18-019-t.jpg) Pat & Linda "Look alikes!" |
![[Click to enlarge]](fm18-020-t.jpg) Great crowd |
![[Click to enlarge]](fm18-021-t.jpg) Time for dinner ... |
![[Click to enlarge]](fm18-022-t.jpg) Bella Luna Ex-Zenith Natasha Vanishing Animal |
![[Click to enlarge]](fm18-023-t.jpg) Green Flash Shalinda |
![[Click to enlarge]](fm18-024-t.jpg) Everyday Serenity |
![[Click to enlarge]](fm18-025-t.jpg) Falcon Full Circle |
![[Click to enlarge]](fm18-026-t.jpg) Natural High Ophira |
![[Click to enlarge]](fm18-027-t.jpg) Freedom Won White Horses |
![[Click to enlarge]](fm18-028-t.jpg) Somda Day Freedom Won |
![[Click to enlarge]](fm18-029-t.jpg) Ready for ... |
![[Click to enlarge]](fm18-030-t.jpg) Call To Order .... |
![[Click to enlarge]](fm18-031-t.jpg) Bert's presentation ... |
![[Click to enlarge]](fm18-032-t.jpg) kicks it off ... |
![[Click to enlarge]](fm18-033-t.jpg) Natasha below ... |
![[Click to enlarge]](fm18-034-t.jpg) and galley. |
![[Click to enlarge]](fm18-035-t.jpg) Fabled cruising grounds ... |
![[Click to enlarge]](fm18-036-t.jpg) concentration at ... |
![[Click to enlarge]](fm18-037-t.jpg) 11.1 knots over ground! |
![[Click to enlarge]](fm18-038-t.jpg) Beautiful anchorage. |
![[Click to enlarge]](fm18-039-t.jpg) Time for ... |
![[Click to enlarge]](fm18-040-t.jpg) Cruising Award Zingara |
![[Click to enlarge]](fm18-041-t.jpg) Nationals Winner Highlighter |
![[Click to enlarge]](fm18-042-t.jpg) Crew Award to ... |
![[Click to enlarge]](fm18-043-t.jpg) Dan Primus Cassiopeia |
![[Click to enlarge]](fm18-044-t.jpg) Hammond Trophy Zingara |
![[Click to enlarge]](fm18-045-t.jpg) plus Higdon Racing/Cruising |
![[Click to enlarge]](fm18-046-t.jpg) Ormand Cup Serenity |
![[Click to enlarge]](fm18-047-t.jpg) Who, us ???? ... |
![[Click to enlarge]](fm18-048-t.jpg) Schneider Trophy Natural High |
![[Click to enlarge]](fm18-049-t.jpg) 2019 officers. |