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'Round Alameada - January 1, 2017 |
(If you like, you can skip down through the prose and go straight to the pictures below!)
What a great turn out by your Islander fleet! 30 people representing 11 Islanders sailed aboard 6 boats on the waters of the Oakland Estuary and San Francisco Bay around Alameda Island to ring in 2017 in style. Here's the list of boats and crews:
Boat | Owner & Crew & Guests | People | Notes |
Andiamo | Adam Perrell | 1 | Aboard Evanescence |
Evanescence | Smokey & Laurie Stover | 2 | |
Freedom Won | John & Nanci Melton | 2 | Aboard Evanescence |
Moondance | Phillip Atkinson | 4 | |
Natural High | Dennis & Judy Bush | 2 | |
Ophira | Gary & Pat Salvo | 2 | Aboard Natural High |
Serenity | Eric Mueller | 4 | |
Some Day | Roy & Melinda Samuelson | 7 | |
Vanishing Animal | Rick & Sandy Van Mell | 2 | Aboard Evanescence |
White Horses | Ruby & Rob Blenderman | 2 | Aboard Luna Sea |
Zenith | Bill & Susan Nork | 2 | |
The weather was about as good as it could get. A cloudy morning cleared to clear blue skies with a light northwest wind. With air temperature in the mid 50s, sitting on the sunny, wind-sheltered deck at Aeolian Yacht Club, it was practically bikini time! The crisp skies made for good pictures at Ballena Bay YC and the afternoon sea breeze kicked in gently to provide a sparkling sail home for those that rounded Amaleda and sailed back down the Oakland Estuary to their berths.
You can see above who sailed on which boats. While Zenith and Natural High charged off under the three bridges about 1045, Smokey steered Evanescence to round up Some Day and Moondance who had not done the bridges before, and wait for Serenity to complete her 3 hour run up from Coyote Point. Then all 4 Islanders, plus a cute red power boat and a boat under spinnaker majestically completed the run under the bridges to Aeolian without incident.
A great crowd at Aeolian filled the deck and spilled around onto the surrounding beach. The chili, as usual, was excellent with jalapaneos,onions and cheese for granish, plus corn bread, green and black-eyes peas - and plenty of Gin Fizzes and Bloody Marys for the thirsty.
Natural High, with Dennis, Judy, Gary & Pat aboard, led the first group under the Bay Farm bridge into the shallow passage out to the Bay, with Serenity and Moondance in the pack. About 20 minutes later Some Day and Zenith headed out. Evanescence, with John Melton and his newly-replaced knee aboard, headed back to Fortman marina, where Smokey & Laurie, John and Nanci, Rick & Sandy with Adam Perrell, all drove over to Ballena Bay Yacht Club. Natural High, Moondance and Serenity were there enjoying themselves. Zenith used the nice weather for a great sail up the Bay and back to Marina villiage.
Once again your Islander fleet was the only one that had an organized presence. A great way to kick off the 2017 sailing season. If you're in the bay area, come join the fun, and if you're one of our wonderful far-flung members, plan a visit and we'll get you out on San Francisco Bay!
This annual tradition is called various names: " 'Round The Island Parade"; " 'Round Alameda Parade"; or just the New Year's Day Island Circumnavigation. There's talk of visiting "all six yacht clubs", and "getting your circumnavigation" certificate. But, whatever the name, it can be great fun when conditions are right. Despite being able to find just about anything on the Internet these days, even going to individual yacht club web sites didn't fill in the picture very much. You can check for yourself what they did (or didn't) say about this annual event: Island Yacht Club, Oakland Yacht Club, Encinal Yacht Club, Alameda Yacht Club, Aeolian Yacht Club, and Ballena Bay Yacht Club.
For those that would like to know more, here are some basics. Alameda, CA is actually an island, just west of Oakland, separated by the Oakland Estuary. While the Estuary, particularly at it's entrance, is wide and deep enough for 1000' container ships, when it narrows at its eastern end where three bridges connect it to Oakland, its quite narrow and getting shallow fast. At the southeastern end, at San Leandro Bay, it is connected to Bay Farm Island - where Oakland Airport is located - by a 4th bridge. Going west from there into San Francisco Bay, there is an unmarked tidal slough that has 6-8 feet of water in a very narrow band and then a stretch of 2-4' of water to cross into the Bay itself. It's about 15.5 miles around the Island. Here's what it looks like on the chart:
![[Click to enlarge]](alameda-001-t.jpg) Alameda - Overview |
![[Click to enlarge]](alameda-002-t.jpg) Alameda - Bay Farm |
![[Click to enlarge]](alameda-003-t.jpg) Alameda -Little channel |
As you can see, there's not enough water to take 6' of draft out into San Francisco Bay at low tide. At least 3.5' of tide is necessary, so that's the first requirement for a successful New Year's Day 'Round Alameda parade!
These are Aeolian YC's navigation hints:
So enjoy the pictures and have a great 2017 season on the water.
Pictures, so far, by Rick Van Mell. Click on images to enlarge, click "Back" to return.
![[Click to enlarge]](ny17-001-t.jpg) Happy New Year! |
![[Click to enlarge]](ny17-002-t.jpg) Aboard Evanexcence |
![[Click to enlarge]](ny17-003-t.jpg) a power conference ... |
![[Click to enlarge]](ny17-004-t.jpg) wisdom below, with ... |
![[Click to enlarge]](ny17-005-t.jpg) hot cider and ... |
![[Click to enlarge]](ny17-006-t.jpg) goodies. |
![[Click to enlarge]](ny17-007-t.jpg) start her up ... |
![[Click to enlarge]](ny17-008-t.jpg) Laurie on lookout ... |
![[Click to enlarge]](ny17-009-t.jpg) Natural High dashes by ... |
![[Click to enlarge]](ny17-010-t.jpg) headed for the bridges. |
![[Click to enlarge]](ny17-011-t.jpg) Here comes Zenith |
![[Click to enlarge]](ny17-012-t.jpg) Headed for Park St. |
![[Click to enlarge]](ny17-013-t.jpg) they go through. |
![[Click to enlarge]](ny17-014-t.jpg) Back astern ... |
![[Click to enlarge]](ny17-015-t.jpg) we wait for ... |
![[Click to enlarge]](ny17-016-t.jpg) Some Day ... |
![[Click to enlarge]](ny17-017-t.jpg) want one of these? |
![[Click to enlarge]](ny17-018-t.jpg) Behind the tall one ... |
![[Click to enlarge]](ny17-019-t.jpg) is Serenity |
![[Click to enlarge]](ny17-020-t.jpg) Here's Moondance ... |
![[Click to enlarge]](ny17-021-t.jpg) bow on. |
![[Click to enlarge]](ny17-022-t.jpg) Chute show-off! |
![[Click to enlarge]](ny17-023-t.jpg) Our line for ... |
![[Click to enlarge]](ny17-024-t.jpg) Park St. Bridge |
![[Click to enlarge]](ny17-025-t.jpg) easy does it. |
![[Click to enlarge]](ny17-026-t.jpg) safely astern. |
![[Click to enlarge]](ny17-027-t.jpg) Foredeck crew. |
![[Click to enlarge]](ny17-028-t.jpg) Smokey concentrates |
![[Click to enlarge]](ny17-029-t.jpg) Now we're ... |
![[Click to enlarge]](ny17-030-t.jpg) waiting for ... |
![[Click to enlarge]](ny17-031-t.jpg) Fruitvale Bridge ... |
![[Click to enlarge]](ny17-032-t.jpg) thank you! |
![[Click to enlarge]](ny17-033-t.jpg) Single file ... |
![[Click to enlarge]](ny17-034-t.jpg) Wild crowd cheers ... |
![[Click to enlarge]](ny17-035-t.jpg) Pirates attack ... |
![[Click to enlarge]](ny17-036-t.jpg) couldn't be bothered. |
![[Click to enlarge]](ny17-037-t.jpg) Last is High St. ... |
![[Click to enlarge]](ny17-038-t.jpg) Chute's still back there ... |
![[Click to enlarge]](ny17-039-t.jpg) Looking good. |
![[Click to enlarge]](ny17-040-t.jpg) Islander 32. |
![[Click to enlarge]](ny17-041-t.jpg) Single file ... |
![[Click to enlarge]](ny17-042-t.jpg) Love high tide! |
![[Click to enlarge]](ny17-043-t.jpg) Arriving at ... |
![[Click to enlarge]](ny17-044-t.jpg) Aeolian Yacht Club |
![[Click to enlarge]](ny17-045-t.jpg) Proud Islander ... |
![[Click to enlarge]](ny17-046-t.jpg) flags fly. |
![[Click to enlarge]](ny17-047-t.jpg) BIG crowd ... |
![[Click to enlarge]](ny17-048-t.jpg) Our Commodore Susan |
![[Click to enlarge]](ny17-049-t.jpg) Hi Rob ... |
![[Click to enlarge]](ny17-050-t.jpg) and Ruby too ... |
![[Click to enlarge]](ny17-051-t.jpg) Dennis & Judy ... |
![[Click to enlarge]](ny17-052-t.jpg) Pat, Sandy, Gary Adam & Dennis |
![[Click to enlarge]](ny17-053-t.jpg) Get tickets, sign in ... |
![[Click to enlarge]](ny17-054-t.jpg) the chow line ... |
![[Click to enlarge]](ny17-055-t.jpg) Melinda likes greens |
![[Click to enlarge]](ny17-056-t.jpg) Delicious! |
![[Click to enlarge]](ny17-057-t.jpg) Gary, Roy & Pat |
![[Click to enlarge]](ny17-058-t.jpg) Phillip likes Sandy |
![[Click to enlarge]](ny17-059-t.jpg) Some Day crew |
![[Click to enlarge]](ny17-060-t.jpg) Smokey, Laurie, ?, John & Nanci |
![[Click to enlarge]](ny17-061-t.jpg) Bay Farm Bridge ... |
![[Click to enlarge]](ny17-062-t.jpg) Natural High, Moondance, |
![[Click to enlarge]](ny17-063-t.jpg) and Serenity |
![[Click to enlarge]](ny17-064-t.jpg) In thin water! |
![[Click to enlarge]](ny17-065-t.jpg) Now Some Day ... |
![[Click to enlarge]](ny17-066-t.jpg) lines up ... |
![[Click to enlarge]](ny17-067-t.jpg) and heads through. |
![[Click to enlarge]](ny17-068-t.jpg) Zenith in this group. |
![[Click to enlarge]](ny17-069-t.jpg) Evanescence squeezed! |
![[Click to enlarge]](ny17-070-t.jpg) Laser ahead. |
![[Click to enlarge]](ny17-071-t.jpg) Love high water. |
![[Click to enlarge]](ny17-072-t.jpg) Picture perfect ... |
![[Click to enlarge]](ny17-073-t.jpg) Surf Scoters ... |
![[Click to enlarge]](ny17-074-t.jpg) fly. |
![[Click to enlarge]](ny17-075-t.jpg) Opening for a .... |
![[Click to enlarge]](ny17-076-t.jpg) paddleboard???! |
![[Click to enlarge]](ny17-077-t.jpg) Nope, just a ... |
![[Click to enlarge]](ny17-078-t.jpg) fun boat. |
![[Click to enlarge]](ny17-079-t.jpg) Back through Fruitvale ... |
![[Click to enlarge]](ny17-080-t.jpg) and Park Street. |
![[Click to enlarge]](ny17-081-t.jpg) On the Bay side is ... |
![[Click to enlarge]](ny17-082-t.jpg) carrier Hornet |
![[Click to enlarge]](ny17-083-t.jpg) Ballena Bay Marina ... |
![[Click to enlarge]](ny17-084-t.jpg) Serenity |
![[Click to enlarge]](ny17-085-t.jpg) Ballena Bay YC ... |
![[Click to enlarge]](ny17-086-t.jpg) is jumping. |
![[Click to enlarge]](ny17-087-t.jpg) Moondance crew ... |
![[Click to enlarge]](ny17-088-t.jpg) heading out. |
![[Click to enlarge]](ny17-089-t.jpg) Pat, Ruby, ?, Rob |
![[Click to enlarge]](ny17-090-t.jpg) Myphi, Judy, Pat |
![[Click to enlarge]](ny17-091-t.jpg) Luna Sea crosses ... |
![[Click to enlarge]](ny17-092-t.jpg) the sun. |
![[Click to enlarge]](ny17-093-t.jpg) Natural High ... |
![[Click to enlarge]](ny17-094-t.jpg) powers on past ... |
![[Click to enlarge]](ny17-095-t.jpg) to wrap it up. |